Risk Model Decision Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘rmda’ version 1.6

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rmda-package rmda: Risk Model Decision Analysis
Add_CostBenefit_Axis Add cost benefit ratio axis to a decision curve plot.
cv_decision_curve Calculate cross-validated decision curves
dcaData Simulated dataset for package 'DecisionCurve'
dcaData_cc Simulated dataset for package 'DecisionCurve'
decision_curve Calculate net benefit/decision curves
plot_clinical_impact Plot the clinical impact curve from a DecisionCurve object.
plot_decision_curve Plot the net benefit curves from a decision_curve object or many decision_curve objects
plot_roc_components Plot the components of a ROC curve by the high risk thresholds.
rmda rmda: Risk Model Decision Analysis
summary.decision_curve Displays a useful description of a decision_curve object