Manipulate 'JDemetra+' Workspaces

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Documentation for package ‘rjdworkspace’ version 1.1.7

Help Pages

add_new_sa_item Manipulate SaItems
copy_ws Copy a WS
get_comment Extract comments
manipulate_sa_item Manipulate SaItems
remove_all_sa_item Manipulate SaItems
remove_sa_item Manipulate SaItems
replace_sa_item Manipulate SaItems
replace_series Partial update of a workspace metadata
set_comment Change comment
set_metadata Set the metadata of a SaItem
set_name Set the name of a SaItem
set_spec Set the specification of a SaItem
set_ts Change the input time series of a SaItem
transfer_series Transfer_series
update_metadata Update the metadata from a workspace
update_metadata_roughly Update the metadata from a workspace
update_path Update the path to the raw series file
verif_duplicates Partial update of a workspace metadata
verif_ws_duplicates Partial update of a workspace metadata