riverdist-package {riverdist}R Documentation

River Network Distance Computation and Applications


Reads river network shape files and computes network distances. Also included are a variety of computation and graphical tools designed for fisheries telemetry research, such as minimum home range, kernel density estimation, and clustering analysis using empirical k-functions with a bootstrap envelope. Tools are also provided for editing the river networks, meaning there is no reliance on external software.


Package: riverdist
Type: Package
Version: 0.16.3
Date: 2024-01-05
License: GPL-2

The riverdist package provides tools for distance calculation along a river network. The river network is imported from a projected shapefile. Spatial point data may be imported from a shapefile as well, or directly from coordinates.

Some basic formatting of the river shapefile may be necessary. If available, formatting in a geographic information system (GIS) prior to importing into R is recommended (projecting, spatial trimming to the study area, and possibly dissolving river segments), but the riverdist package and its dependencies also include tools for accomplishing the necessary formatting within R.


Matt Tyers

Maintainer: Matt Tyers <matttyersstat@gmail.com>

[Package riverdist version 0.16.3 Index]