line2network {riverdist} | R Documentation |
Create a River Network Object from a Shapefile
Uses read_sf in package 'sf' to read a river shapefile, and establishes connectivity of segment endpoints based on spatial proximity.
sf = NULL,
path = ".",
layer = NA,
tolerance = 100,
reproject = NULL,
autofix = TRUE
sf |
Optional input as an sf object, if shapefile has already been read into the R environment. |
path |
File path, default is the current working directory. |
layer |
Name of the shapefile, without the .shp extension. |
tolerance |
Snapping tolerance of segment endpoints to determine connectivity. Default is 100, therefore care should be exercised when working with larger units of distance, such as km. |
reproject |
A valid projection, if the shapefile is to be re-projected. Re-projection is done using st_transform in package 'sf'. |
autofix |
Whether to automatically apply two corrections: removal of duplicate segments, and segments with lengths shorter than the connectivity tolerance. Defaults to 'TRUE'. |
Returns an object of class "rivernetwork"
containing all
spatial and topological information. See rivernetwork-class.
Since distance can only be calculated using projected coordinates,
will generate an error if a non-projected input
shapefile is detected. To resolve this, the shapefile can be re-projected
in a GIS environment, or using reproject=
, shown in the second
example below.
Matt Tyers, Jemma Stachelek
filepath <- system.file("extdata", package="riverdist")
Gulk_UTM5 <- line2network(path=filepath, layer="Gulk_UTM5")
## Reading directly from an sf object
sf <- sf::read_sf(dsn = filepath, layer = "Gulk_UTM5")
Gulk_UTM5 <- line2network(sf=sf)
## Re-projecting in Alaska Albers Equal Area projection:
AKalbers <- "+proj=aea +lat_1=55 +lat_2=65 +lat_0=50 +lon_0=-154
+x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs +ellps=GRS80"
Gulk_AKalbers <- line2network(path=filepath, layer="Gulk_UTM5", reproject=AKalbers)