index_calculation {riverconn}R Documentation

Reach- and Catchment-scale indices of connectivity


Reach- and Catchment-scale indices of connectivity


  weight = "length",
  nodes_id = "name",
  index_type = "full",
  index_mode = "to",
  c_ij_flag = TRUE,
  B_ij_flag = TRUE,
  dir_fragmentation_type = "symmetric",
  pass_confluence = 1,
  pass_u = "pass_u",
  pass_d = "pass_d",
  field_B = "length",
  dir_distance_type = "symmetric",
  disp_type = "exponential",



an object of class igraph. Can be both directed or undirected.


graph vertex attribute used to assign weights to the reaches (nodes/vertices). Should not be also an edge attribute. Default is "length".


graph vertex attribute used to univoquely label reaches (nodes/vertices). Should not be also an edge attribute. Default is "name". The graph attribute must be a character vector. Used to label the results when index_type = "reach"


indicates if the index should be calculated for the whole catchment (index_type = "full"), for each reach (index_type = "reach"), or for each barrier (index_type = "sum")


indicates if reach index should be calculated based on inbound links ("to") or outbound links ("from"). Only active when index_type = "reach".


include the presence of barriers in the calculations (c_ij term).


include dispersal/movement among reaches in the calculations (B_ij term).


how directionality in c_ij calculations is dealt with: "symmetric" (i.e. undirected graph) or "asymmetric" (i.e. directed graph). See details below.


a value in the range [0,1] that defines the passability of confluences (default is 1).


the 'graph' edge attribute to be used as upstream passability. Default is "pass_u".


the 'graph' edge attribute to be used as downstream passability. Default is "pass_d".


the 'graph' vertex attribute to be used to calculate the distance. Should not be also an edge attribute. Default is "length".


how directionality in B_ij calculations is dealt with: "symmetric" (i.e. undirected graph) or "asymmetric" (i.e. directed graph). See details.


the formula used to calculate the probabilities in the B_ij matrix. Use "exponential" for exponential decay, "threshold" for setting a distance threshold, or "leptokurtic" for leptokurtic dispersal.


upstream dispersal parameter. Must be a numeric value. Only used if dir_distance_type = "asymmetric". See details below.


downstream dispersal parameter. Must be a numeric value. Only used if dir_distance_type = "asymmetric". See below for details.


dispersal parameter. Must be a numeric value. Only used if dir_distance_type = "symmetric". See details below.


the parameters for the leptokurtic dispersal mode. Must be a numeric vector of the type c(sigma_stat, sigma_mob, p). See details below.


Setting c_ij_flag = FALSE removes from the calculations the effect of barriers, i.e. the c_ij contribution is not used in the calculation of the index. Setting B_ij_flag = FALSE removes from the calculations the effect of movement/dispersal, i.e. the B_ij contribution is not used in the calculation of the index. Note that it is not possible to set both c_ij_flag = FALSE and B_ij_flag = FALSE.

The setting dir_distance_type = "symmetric" is to be used when the directionality of the river network is not relevant. The distance between reaches midpoints is calculated for each couple of reaches. The setting dir_distance_type = "asymmetric" is to be used when the directionality is relevant. The distance between reaches midpoints is calculated for each couple of reaches and splitted between 'upstream travelled' distance and 'downstream travelled' distance. When disp_type ="leptokurtic" is selected, symmetric dispersal is assumed.

The 'param_u', 'param_d', and 'param' values are interpreted differently based on the formula used to relate distance (d_ij) and probability (B_ij). When disp_type ="exponential", those values are used as the base of the exponential dispersal kernel: B_ij = param^d_ij. When disp_type ="threshold", those values are used to define the maximum dispersal length: B_ij = ifelse(d_ij < param, 1, 0).

When disp_type ="leptokurtic" is selected, a leptokurtic dispersal kernel is used to calculate B_ij. A leptokurtic dispersal kernel is a mixture of two zero-centered gaussian distributions with standard deviations sigma_stat (static part of the population), and sigma_mob (mobile part of the population). The probability of dispersal is calculated as: B_ij = p F(0, sigma_stat, d_ij) + (1-p) F(0, sigma_mob, d_ij) where F is the upper tail of the gaussian cumulative density function.


If index_type = "full", returns a numeric value with the index value (column 'index'). if index_type = c("reach", "sum"), returns a data frame with the index value (column 'index') for each reach (the field specified in 'nodes_id' is used for reach identification in the data frame). In both cases, both numerator and denominator used in the index calculations are reported in the columns 'num' and 'den'.


Baldan, D., Cunillera-Montcusí, D., Funk, A., & Hein, T. (2022). Introducing ‘riverconn’: an R package to assess river connectivity indices. Environmental Modelling & Software, 156, 105470.

Jumani, S., Deitch, M. J., Kaplan, D., Anderson, E. P., Krishnaswamy, J., Lecours, V., & Whiles, M. R. (2020). River fragmentation and flow alteration metrics: a review of methods and directions for future research. Environmental Research Letters, 15(12), 123009.

Radinger, J., & Wolter, C. (2014). Patterns and predictors of fish dispersal in rivers. Fish and fisheries, 15(3), 456-473.


g <- igraph::graph_from_literal(1-+2, 2-+5, 3-+4, 4-+5, 6-+7,
7-+10, 8-+9, 9-+10, 5-+11, 11-+12, 10-+13, 13-+12, 12-+14, 14-+15, 15-+16)
E(g)$id_dam <- c("1", NA, "2", "3", NA, "4", NA, "5", "6", NA,  NA, NA, NA, "7", NA)
E(g)$type <- ifelse($id_dam), "joint", "dam")
V(g)$length <- c(1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 5, 1, 7, 7, 3, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9)
V(g)$HSI <- c(0.2, 0.1, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
V(g)$Id <- V(g)$name
E(g)$pass_u <- E(g)$pass_d <- ifelse(!$id_dam),0.1,NA)
index <- index_calculation(g, param = 0.9)

[Package riverconn version 0.3.31 Index]