sens {riskyr}R Documentation

The sensitivity (or hit rate) of a decision process or diagnostic procedure.


sens defines a decision's sensitivity (or hit rate) value: The conditional probability of the decision being positive if the condition is TRUE.




An object of class numeric of length 1.


Understanding or obtaining the sensitivity sens (or hit rate HR):


Consult Wikipedia for additional information.

See Also

comp_sens computes sens as the complement of mirt; prob contains current probability information; comp_prob computes current probability information; num contains basic numeric parameters; init_num initializes basic numeric parameters; comp_freq computes current frequency information; is_prob verifies probabilities.

Other probabilities: FDR, FOR, NPV, PPV, acc, err, fart, mirt, ppod, prev, spec

Other essential parameters: cr, fa, hi, mi, prev, spec


sens <- .85     # sets a sensitivity value of 85%
sens <- 85/100  # (decision = positive) for 85 out of 100 people with (condition = TRUE)
is_prob(sens)   # TRUE

[Package riskyr version 0.4.0 Index]