Functions to Study Etiologic Heterogeneity

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Documentation for package ‘riskclustr’ version 0.4.1

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d Estimate the incremental explained risk variation in a case-control study
dstar Estimate the incremental explained risk variation in a case-only study
eh_test_marker Test for etiologic heterogeneity of risk factors according to individual disease markers in a case-control study
eh_test_subtype Test for etiologic heterogeneity of risk factors according to disease subtypes in a case-control study
optimal_kmeans_d Obtain optimal D solution based on k-means clustering of disease marker data in a case-control study
posthoc_factor_test Post-hoc test to obtain overall p-value for a factor variable used in a 'eh_test_subtype' fit.
subtype_data Simulated subtype data