export {rio}R Documentation



Write data.frame to a file


export(x, file, format, ...)



A data frame, matrix or a single-item list of data frame to be written into a file. Exceptions to this rule are that x can be a list of multiple data frames if the output file format is an OpenDocument Spreadsheet (.ods, .fods), Excel .xlsx workbook, .Rdata file, or HTML file, or a variety of R objects if the output file format is RDS or JSON. See examples.) To export a list of data frames to multiple files, use export_list() instead.


A character string naming a file. Must specify file and/or format.


An optional character string containing the file format, which can be used to override the format inferred from file or, in lieu of specifying file, a file with the symbol name of x and the specified file extension will be created. Must specify file and/or format. Shortcuts include: “,” (for comma-separated values), “;” (for semicolon-separated values), “|” (for pipe-separated values), and “dump” for base::dump().


Additional arguments for the underlying export functions. This can be used to specify non-standard arguments. See examples.


This function exports a data frame or matrix into a file with file format based on the file extension (or the manually specified format, if format is specified).

The output file can be to a compressed directory, simply by adding an appropriate additional extensiont to the file argument, such as: “mtcars.csv.tar”, “mtcars.csv.zip”, or “mtcars.csv.gz”.

export supports many file formats. See the documentation for the underlying export functions for optional arguments that can be passed via ...

When exporting a data set that contains label attributes (e.g., if imported from an SPSS or Stata file) to a plain text file, characterize() can be a useful pre-processing step that records value labels into the resulting file (e.g., export(characterize(x), "file.csv")) rather than the numeric values.

Use export_list() to export a list of dataframes to separate files.


The name of the output file as a character string (invisibly).

See Also

characterize(), import(), convert(), export_list()


## For demo, a temp. file path is created with the file extension .csv
csv_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv")
## .xlsx
xlsx_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".xlsx")

## create CSV to import
export(iris, csv_file)

## You can certainly export your data with the file name, which is not a variable:
## import(mtcars, "car_data.csv")

## pass arguments to the underlying function
## data.table::fwrite is the underlying function and `col.names` is an argument
export(iris, csv_file, col.names = FALSE)

## export a list of data frames as worksheets
export(list(a = mtcars, b = iris), xlsx_file)


## specify `format` to override default format
export(iris, xlsx_file, format = "csv") ## That's confusing
## You can also specify only the format; in the following case
## "mtcars.dta" is written [also confusing]

## export(mtcars, format = "stata")

[Package rio version 1.2.1 Index]