Radiocarbon Calibration Curves

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Documentation for package ‘rintcal’ version 0.6.4

Help Pages

age.F14C Calculate F14C values from C14 ages
age.pMC Calculate pMC values from C14 ages
calBP.14C Find the 14C age and error belonging to a cal BP age.
caldist Calculate calibrated distribution
calibrate Plot individual calibrated dates.
ccurve Copy a calibration curve
contaminate Simulate the impact of contamination on a radiocarbon age
copyCalibrationCurve Copy a calibration curve
D14C.F14C Transform D14C into F14C
draw.ccurve Draw a calibration curve.
draw.contamination Draw contamination impacts
draw.D14C Draw d14C and the calibration curve.
draw.dates add calibrated distributions to a plot.
F14C.age Calculate C14 ages from F14C values.
F14C.D14C Transform F14C into D14C
glue.ccurves Glue calibration curves
hpd Calculate highest posterior density
intcal IntCal20 json file plot the IntCal20 data Extract from the intcal file Read data underlying the IntCal curves. Write intcal data to a file.
l.calib Find the calibrated probability of a calendar age for a 14C date.
list.ccurves List the calibration curves
mix.ccurves Build a custom-made, mixed calibration curve.
new.ccdir Make directory and fill with calibration curves
pMC.age Calculate C14 ages from pMC values.
point.estimates Calculate a point estimate