rifle-package {rifle} | R Documentation |
Sparse Generalized Eigenvalue Problem
This package is called rifle. It implements algorithms for solving sparse generalized eigenvalue problem. The algorithms are described in the paper "Sparse Generalized Eigenvalue Problem: Optimal Statistical Rates via Truncated Rayleigh Flow", by Tan et al. (2018).
The main functions are as follows: (1) initial.convex (2) rifle
The first function, initial.convex, solves the sparse generalized eigenvalue problem using a convex relaxation. The second function, rifle, refines the initial estimates from initial.convex and gives a more accurate estimator of the leading generalized eigenvector.
The package includes the following functions:
initial.convex : | Solve a convex relaxation of the sparse GEP |
rifle : | Perform truncated rayleigh method to obtain the largest generalized eigenvector |
Kean Ming Tan
Maintainer: Kean Ming Tan
Sparse Generalized Eigenvalue Problewm: Optimal Statistical Rates via Truncated Rayleigh Flow", by Tan et al. (2018). To appear in Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B. https://arxiv.org/pdf/1604.08697.pdf.
See Also
# Example on Fisher's Discriminant Analysis on two class classification
# A small toy example
n <- 50
p <- 25
# Generate block diagonal covariance matrix with 5 blocks
Sigma <- matrix(0,p,p)
for(i in 1:p){
Sigma[i,] <- 1:(p)-i
Sigma <- 0.7^abs(Sigma)
# Generate mean vector for two classes
mu1 <- rep(0,p)
mu2 <- c(rep(c(0,1),5),rep(0,p-10))
# Generate data for two classes
X <- rbind(mvrnorm(n=n/2,mu1,Sigma),mvrnorm(n=n/2,mu2,Sigma))
y <- rep(1:2,each=n/2)
# Estimate the subspace spanned by the largest eigenvector using convex relaxation
# Estimates
estmu1 <- apply(X[y==1,],2,mean)
estmu2 <- apply(X[y==2,],2,mean)
estwithin <- cov(X[y==1,])+cov(X[y==2,])
estbetween <- outer(estmu1,estmu1)+outer(estmu2,estmu2)
# Running initialization using convex relaxation
a <- initial.convex(A=estbetween,B=estwithin,lambda=2*sqrt(log(p)/n),K=1,nu=1,trace=FALSE)
# Use rifle to improve the leading generalized eigenvector
init <- eigen(a$Pi+t(a$Pi))$vectors[,1]
# Pick k such that the generalized eigenvector is sparse
k <- 10
# Rifle 1
final.estimator <- rifle(estbetween,estwithin,init,k,0.01,1e-3)
# True direction in this simulation setting
# truebetween <- mu1 %*% t(mu1)+ mu2 %*% t(mu2)
# truewithin <- Sigma+Sigma
# temp <- eigen(truewithin)
# sqrtwithin <- temp$vectors %*% diag(sqrt(temp$values)) %*% t(temp$vectors)
# vecres <-svd(solve(sqrtwithin)%*% truebetween%*% solve(sqrtwithin))$v[,1]
# oracledirection <- solve(sqrtwithin) %*% vecres
# oracledirection <- oracledirection/sqrt(sum(oracledirection^2))
# Comparing estimated vs true direction by computing the cosine angle
# 1-sum(abs(oracledirection*final.estimator))