ridittools-package {ridittools}R Documentation

Useful Functions for Ridit Analysis


Functions to compute ridit scores of vectors, compute mean ridits and their standard errors for vectors compared to a reference vector, as described in Fleiss (1981, ISBN:0-471-06428-9), and compute means/SEs for multiple groups in matrices. Data can be either counts or proportions. Emphasis is on ridit analysis of ordered categorical data such as Likert items and pain-rating scales.



Package: ridittools
Type: Package
Title: Useful Functions for Ridit Analysis
Version: 0.1
Date: 2018-03-11
Author: Eric Bohlman
Maintainer: Eric Bohlman <ericbohlman@gmail.com>
Description: Functions to compute ridit scores of vectors, compute mean ridits and their standard errors for vectors compared to a reference vector, as described in Fleiss (1981, ISBN:0-471-06428-9), and compute means/SEs for multiple groups in matrices. Data can be either counts or proportions. Emphasis is on ridit analysis of ordered categorical data such as Likert items and pain-rating scales.
License: GPL-2 | GPL-3 | MIT + file LICENSE
LazyData: TRUE

Index of help topics:

acc                     Vehicle accident injuries
flu.age                 Flu subtype by age group
handgun                 Favorability of handgun ban by party
meanridit               Compute mean ridit of group given reference
meanridits              Compute mean ridits of multiple groups
riditsrefgroup          Utility to determine reference group. Primarily
                        for internal use/
ridittools-package      Useful Functions for Ridit Analysis
semiauto                Favorability of semiautomatic weapons ban by
seridit                 Compute standard error of mean ridit for group
                        given reference group
seriditdiff             Compute standard error of difference between
                        two mean ridits
seridits                Compute standard errors of mean ridits of
                        multiple groups
toridit                 Compute ridit scores for group


Eric Bohlman

Maintainer: Eric Bohlman <ericbohlman@gmail.com>


Fleiss, Joseph L., (1981), Statistical Methods for Rates and Proportions. New York: John Wiley & Sons.


ref <- acc[ , 1]
g <- acc[ , 2]
meanridit(g, ref)
seridit(g, ref)
meanridits(flu.age, 2, "H3")
meanridits(flu.age, 2) # Uses group totals as reference
seridits(handgun, 2, 1)

[Package ridittools version 0.1 Index]