ridge_curve {ridgetorus}R Documentation

Fourier-fitted ridge curve and related utilities


Given the angles theta in [π,π)[-\pi, \pi), ridge_curve computes the Fourier-fitted ridge curve (θ,r1(θ))(\theta, r_1(\theta)) or (r2(θ),θ)(r_2(\theta), \theta), where

rj(θ):=atan2(Sm(θ),Cm(θ))r_j(\theta):=\mathrm{atan2}(S_m (\theta), C_m (\theta))

with Cm(x):=a0/2+k=1makcos(kx)C_m(x) := a_0/2 + \sum_{k=1}^m a_k \cos(kx) and Sm(x):=k=1mbksin(kx)S_m(x) := \sum_{k=1}^m b_k \sin(kx) for j=1,2j = 1,2. der_ridge_curve and dist_ridge_curve compute the derivatives of and the distances along these curves, respectively. alpha_ridge_curve provides a uniform grid of the ridge curve using the arc-length parametrization. proj_ridge_curve gives the ridge's θ\theta for which the curve is closer to any point on [π,π)2[-\pi, \pi)^2.


  mu = c(0, 0),
  coefs = list(cos_a = c(0, 0), sin_b = 0),
  ind_var = 1,
  at2 = TRUE

  mu = c(0, 0),
  coefs = list(cos_a = c(0, 0), sin_b = 0),
  ind_var = 1,
  norm = NULL,
  at2 = TRUE

  mu = c(0, 0),
  coefs = list(cos_a = c(0, 0), sin_b = 0),
  ind_var = 1,
  N = 500,
  der = TRUE,
  shortest = TRUE,
  at2 = TRUE

  mu = c(0, 0),
  coefs = list(cos_a = c(0, 0), sin_b = 0),
  ind_var = 1,
  N = 500,
  L = 500,
  at2 = TRUE

  mu = c(0, 0),
  coefs = list(cos_a = c(0, 0), sin_b = 0),
  ind_var = 1,
  N = 500,
  ridge_curve_grid = NULL,
  arclength = FALSE,
  at2 = TRUE



vector θ\theta of size nth.


a vector of size 2 giving (μ1,μ2)(\mu_1, \mu_2). Defaults to c(0, 0).


list of coefficients cos_a (aka_k) and sin_b (bkb_k giving the Fourier fit of the ridge curve. Defaults to list(cos_a = c(0, 0), sin_b = 0). See examples.


index jj of the variable that parametrizes the ridge. Defaults to 1.


do the atan2 fit instead of the sine fit (only using SmS_m)? Defaults to TRUE. at2 = FALSE is not recommended to use.


normalize tangent vectors? If different from NULL (the default), the vectors are normalized to have the given norm.


a vector of size 2.


number of discretization points for approximating curve lengths. Defaults to 5e2.


use derivatives to approximate curve lengths? Defaults to TRUE.


return the shortest possible distance? Defaults to TRUE.


number of discretization points for computing the arc-length parametrization curve lengths. Defaults to 5e2.


a matrix of size c(nx, 2) with angular coordinates.


if provided, the ridge_curve evaluated at a grid of size N. If not provided, it is computed internally. Useful for saving computations.


use the arc-length parametrization to compute the projections? This yields a more uniform grid for searching the projections. Defaults to TRUE.



mu <- c(-0.5, 1.65)
th <- seq(-pi, pi, l = 200)
K <- 5
coefs <- list(cos_a = 1 / (1:(K + 1))^3, sin_b = 1 / (1:K)^3)
rid1 <- ridge_curve(theta = th, mu = mu, coefs = coefs, ind_var = 1)
rid2 <- ridge_curve(theta = th, mu = mu, coefs = coefs, ind_var = 2)
plot(mu[1], mu[2], xlim = c(-pi, pi), ylim = c(-pi, pi), axes = FALSE,
     xlab = expression(theta[1]), ylab = expression(theta[2]),
     pch = "*", col = 5, cex = 3)
sdetorus::linesTorus(rid1[, 1], rid1[, 2], col = 1)
sdetorus::linesTorus(rid2[, 1], rid2[, 2], col = 2)
abline(v = mu[1], lty = 3, col = 5)
abline(h = mu[2], lty = 3, col = 5)
points(ridge_curve(theta = mu[1], mu = mu, coefs = coefs, ind_var = 1),
       col = 1)
points(ridge_curve(theta = mu[2], mu = mu, coefs = coefs, ind_var = 2),
       col = 2)

## der_ridge_curve

th <- seq(-pi, pi, l = 10)
mu <- c(0.5, 1.5)
K <- 5
coefs <- list(cos_a = 1 / (1:(K + 1))^3, sin_b = 1 / (1:K)^3)
rid1 <- ridge_curve(theta = th, mu = mu, coefs = coefs, ind_var = 1)
rid2 <- ridge_curve(theta = th, mu = mu, coefs = coefs, ind_var = 2)
v1 <- der_ridge_curve(theta = th, mu = mu, coefs = coefs, ind_var = 1,
                      norm = 0.5)
v2 <- der_ridge_curve(theta = th, mu = mu, coefs = coefs, ind_var = 2,
                      norm = 0.5)
points(rid1, pch = 16, col = 1)
points(rid2, pch = 16, col = 2)
arrows(x0 = rid1[, 1], y0 = rid1[, 2],
       x1 = (rid1 + v1)[, 1], y1 = (rid1 + v1)[, 2],
       col = 3, angle = 5, length = 0.1)
arrows(x0 = rid2[, 1], y0 = rid2[, 2],
       x1 = (rid2 + v2)[, 1], y1 = (rid2 + v2)[, 2],
       col = 4, angle = 5, length = 0.1)

## dist_ridge_curve

# Distances accuracy
a <- c(-pi / 2, pi)
mu <- c(-pi / 2, pi / 2)
dist_ridge_curve(alpha = a, mu = mu, coefs = coefs, der = TRUE, N = 1e6)
dist_ridge_curve(alpha = a, mu = mu, coefs = coefs, der = FALSE, N = 1e6)
dist_ridge_curve(alpha = a, mu = mu, coefs = coefs, der = TRUE, N = 1e2)
dist_ridge_curve(alpha = a, mu = mu, coefs = coefs, der = FALSE, N = 1e2)

## arclength_ridge_curve

mu <- c(-pi / 2, pi / 2)
alpha <- arclength_ridge_curve(mu = mu, coefs = coefs, ind_var = 1, N = 25)
alpha <- sdetorus::toPiInt(c(alpha, alpha[1]))
rid <- ridge_curve(theta = alpha, mu = mu, coefs = coefs, ind_var = 1)
plot(mu[1], mu[2], pch = "*", col = 5, cex = 3, xlim = c(-pi, pi),
     ylim = c(-pi, pi), axes = FALSE, xlab = expression(theta[1]),
     ylab = expression(theta[2]))
sdetorus::linesTorus(rid[, 1], rid[, 2], col = 1, pch = 16)
points(rid[, 1], rid[, 2], pch = 16, col = 1)
abline(v = mu[1], lty = 3, col = 5)
abline(h = mu[2], lty = 3, col = 5)

## proj_ridge_curve

mu <- c(0, 0)
n <- 25
x <- matrix(runif(2 * n, -pi, pi), nrow = n, ncol = 2)
col <- rainbow(n)
th <- seq(-pi, pi, l = 100)
old_par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
for (j in 1:2) {

  plot(x, xlim = c(-pi, pi), ylim = c(-pi, pi), axes = FALSE,
       xlab = expression(theta[1]), ylab = expression(theta[2]), col = col)
  rid <- ridge_curve(theta = th, mu = mu, coefs = coefs, ind_var = j)
  sdetorus::linesTorus(x = rid[, 1], y = rid[, 2], lwd = 2)
  abline(v = mu[1], lty = 3)
  abline(h = mu[2], lty = 3)
  points(mu[1], mu[2], pch = "*", cex = 3)
  theta_projs <- proj_ridge_curve(x = x, mu = mu, coefs = coefs, ind_var = j,
                                  ridge_curve_grid = rid)$theta_proj
  projs <- ridge_curve(theta = theta_projs, mu = mu, coefs = coefs,
                       ind_var = j)
  points(projs, col = col, pch = 3)
  for (i in 1:n) {

    sdetorus::linesTorus(x = c(x[i, 1], projs[i, 1]),
                         y = c(x[i, 2], projs[i, 2]), col = col[i], lty = 3)



[Package ridgetorus version 1.0.2 Index]