gKinship {ribd}R Documentation

Generalised kinship coefficients


Computes single-locus generalised kinship coefficients of various kinds. These are fundamental for computing identity coefficients (see identityCoefs()), but are also interesting in their own right. Each generalised kinship coefficient is defined as the probability of observing a corresponding generalised IBD pattern, as defined and discussed in the Details section below.


  distinct = TRUE,
  Xchrom = FALSE,
  method = c("auto", "K", "WL", "LS", "GC"),
  verbose = FALSE,
  debug = FALSE,
  mem = NULL,

gip(x, pattern, distinct = TRUE)



A ped object.


A gip object, or a list of vectors to be passed onto gip(). Each vector should contain members of x constituting an IBD block. (See Details and Examples.)


A logical indicating if different blocks are required to be non-IBD. Default: TRUE. (Irrelevant for single-block patterns.)


A logical, by default FALSE.


Either "auto", "K", "WL", "LS" or "GC".


A logical, by default FALSE.


A logical, by default FALSE.


For internal use.


Further arguments.


The starting point: standard kinship coefficients

The classical kinship coefficient phi between two pedigree members A and B, is the probability that two alleles sampled from A and B (one from each), at a random autosomal locus, are identical by descent (IBD).

In the language and notation to be introduced shortly, we would write ⁠phi = Pr[(A,B)]⁠ where ⁠(A,B)⁠ is an IBD pattern.

Generalised IBD patterns

We define a generalised IBD pattern (GIP) to be a partition of a set of alleles drawn from members of a pedigree, such that the alleles in each subset are IBD. Each subset (also referred to as a group or a block) is written as a collection of pedigree members (A, B, ...), with the understanding that each member represents one of its alleles at the given locus. A member may occur in multiple blocks, and also more than once within a block.

Additional requirements give rise to different flavours of GIPs (and their corresponding coefficients):

We may say that a GIP is partially (rather than fully) deterministic if the parental origin is fixed for some, but not all alleles involved.

Notational examples

Our notation distinguishes the different types of patterns, as exemplified below. Blocks are separated with "/" if they are distinct, and "&" otherwise. Deterministically sampled alleles are suffixed by either ":p" (paternal) or ":m" (maternal).

In the gip() constructor, deterministic sampling is indicated by naming elements with "p" or "m", e.g., c(p = A) produces (A:p). See Examples for how to create the example patterns listed above.

Internal structure of gip objects

(Note: This section is included only for completeness; gip objects should not be directly manipulated by end users.)

Internally, a GIP is stored as a list of integer vectors, each vector giving the indices of pedigree members constituting an IBD block. In addition, the object has three attributes:

If deterministic = TRUE, the last digit of each integer encodes the parental origin of the allele (0 = unknown; 1 = paternal; 2 = maternal). For example:

A brief history of generalised kinship coefficients

The notion of generalised kinship coefficients originated with Karigl (1981) who used a selection of random, non-distinct patterns (in our terminology) to compute identity coefficients.

Weeks & Lange (1988), building on Karigl's work, defined random, distinct patterns in full generality and gave an algorithm for computing the corresponding coefficients.

In a follow-up paper, Lange & Sinsheimer (1992) introduced partially deterministic (distinct) patterns, and used these to compute detailed identity coefficients.

In another follow-up, Weeks et al. (1995) extended the work on random, distinct patterns by Weeks & Lange (1988) to X-chromosomal loci.

Garcia-Cortes (2015) gave an alternative algorithm for the detailed identity coefficients, based on (in our terminology) fully deterministic, non-distinct patterns.

Implemented algorithms

The following are valid options for the methods parameters, and what they implement.


gKinship() returns a single number, the probability of the given IBD pattern.

gip() returns an object of class gip. This is internally a list of integer vectors, with attributes labs, deterministic and distinct. (See also Details.)


See Also

kinship(), identityCoefs()


### Trivial examples ###

x = nuclearPed(father = "A", mother = "B", children = "C")

# Random, distinct
patt1 = gip(x, list(c("A", "B"), c("A", "C")))

# Random, non-distinct
patt2 = gip(x, list(c("A", "B"), c("A", "C")), distinct = FALSE)

# Fully deterministic, distinct
patt3 = gip(x, list(c(p="A", p="C"), c(m="C")))

# Partially deterministic, non-distinct`
patt4 = gip(x, list(c("A", p="C"), c("B", m="C")), distinct = FALSE)

# Partially deterministic, single block
patt5 = gip(x, list(c(p="A", "A", "A")))

  gKinship(x, patt1) == 0,      # (since A and B are unrelated)
  gKinship(x, patt2) == 0,      # (same as previous)
  gKinship(x, patt3) == 0.5,    # (only uncertainty is which allele A gave to C)
  gKinship(x, patt4) == 0.25,   # (distinct irrelevant)
  gKinship(x, patt5) == 0.25   # (both random must hit the paternal)

### Kappa coefficients via generalised kinship ###

# NB: Much less efficient than `kappaIBD()`; only for validation

kappa_from_gk = function(x, ids, method = "WL") {
  fa1 = father(x, ids[1])
  fa2 = father(x, ids[2])
  mo1 = mother(x, ids[1])
  mo2 = mother(x, ids[2])

  GK = function(...) gKinship(x, list(...), method = method)

  k0 = GK(fa1, fa2, mo1, mo2)
  k1 = GK(c(fa1, fa2), mo1, mo2) + GK(c(fa1, mo2), fa2, mo1) +
       GK(c(mo1, fa2), fa1, mo2) + GK(c(mo1, mo2), fa1, fa2)
  k2 = GK(c(fa1, fa2), c(mo1, mo2)) + GK(c(fa1, mo2), c(mo1, fa2))
  c(k0, k1, k2)

y1 = nuclearPed(2); ids = 3:4
stopifnot(kappa_from_gk(y1, ids) == kappaIBD(y1, ids))

y2 = quadHalfFirstCousins(); ids = 9:10
stopifnot(kappa_from_gk(y2, ids) == kappaIBD(y2, ids))

### Detailed outputs and debugging ###

x = fullSibMating(1)

# Probability of sampling IBD alleles from 1, 5 and 6
p1 = gip(x, list(c(1,5,6)))
gKinship(x, p1, method = "K", verbose = TRUE, debug = TRUE)
gKinship(x, p1, method = "WL", verbose = TRUE, debug = TRUE)

# Probability that paternal of 5 is IBD with maternal of 6
p2 = gip(x, list(c(p=5, m=6)))
gKinship(x, p2, method = "LS", verbose = TRUE, debug = TRUE)
gKinship(x, p2, method = "GC", verbose = TRUE, debug = TRUE)

# Probability that paternal of 5 is *not* IBD with maternal of 6
p3 = gip(x, list(c(p=5), c(m=6)), distinct = TRUE)
gKinship(x, p3, method = "LS", verbose = TRUE, debug = TRUE)

[Package ribd version 1.7.0 Index]