basicRelationships {ribd}R Documentation

Basic relationships


A data frame containing kinship and kappa coefficients for some commonly used relationships.




A data frame with 12 rows and 7 columns. The last column (pos) is used internally for placing labels on triangle plots.


label relationship phi kappa0 kappa1 kappa2 pos
UN unrelated 0.000000 1.00000 0.0000 0.00000 1
PO parent-offspring 0.250000 0.00000 1.0000 0.00000 1
MZ monozygotic twins 0.500000 0.00000 0.0000 1.00000 4
S full siblings 0.250000 0.25000 0.5000 0.25000 4
H half siblings 0.125000 0.50000 0.5000 0.00000 1
A avuncular 0.125000 0.50000 0.5000 0.00000 1
G grandparent-grandchild 0.125000 0.50000 0.5000 0.00000 1
H,U,G halfsib/uncle/grandp 0.125000 0.50000 0.5000 0.00000 1
FC first cousins 0.062500 0.75000 0.2500 0.00000 1
SC second cousins 0.015625 0.93750 0.0625 0.00000 1
DFC double first cousins 0.125000 0.56250 0.3750 0.06250 3
Q quad half first cousins 0.125000 0.53125 0.4375 0.03125 4

[Package ribd version 1.7.0 Index]