A Flexible Approach for Causal Inference with Multiple Treatments and Clustered Survival Outcomes

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Documentation for package ‘riAFTBART’ version 0.3.3

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cal_PEHE Calculate the PEHE
cal_surv_prob Calculate the survival probability from a fitted riAFT-BART model
dat_sim Simulate data with multiple treatments and clustered survival outcomes
intree Interpreting Tree Ensembles with inTrees
plot.riAFTBART_estimate Plot the trace plots for the parameters from a fitted riAFT-BART model
plot.riAFTBART_survProb Plot the fitted survival curves from riAFT-BART model
plot_gps Plot the propensity score by treatment
riAFTBART A flexible approach for causal inference with multiple treatments and clustered survival outcomes
riAFTBART_fit Fit a random effect accelerated failure time BART model
sa Flexible Monte Carlo sensitivity analysis for unmeasured confounding
var_select Perform Variable Selection using Three Threshold-based Procedures