Work with Hypergraphs in R

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Documentation for package ‘rhype’ version 0.3.0

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adjacency_matrix Find the Adjacency Matrix of a Hypergraph
degree Find the Degree of Vertices in a Hypergraph
eigenvector_centrality Calculate The Eigenvector Centrality Of A Hypergraph
eigenvector_centrality_factor Calculate The Eigenvector Centrality Scaling Factor Of A Hypergraph
example_hype Generate an Example Hypergraph
has_real_coef Does a Hypergraph Have Real Coefficients
hyperedge_list Get Hyperedge List
hyperedge_names Get Hyperedge Names
hyperedge_weights Get Hyperedge Weights
hype_from_edge_list Create a Hypergraph From a Hyperedge List
hype_from_inc_mat Create a Hypergraph From an Incidence Matrix
hype_info Print More Detail About a Hypergraph
hype_norm_lap_mat Find the Hyperedge Normalised Laplacian Matrix of a Hypergraph
hype_order Get The Order Of A Hypergraph
hype_size Get The Size Of A Hypergraph
incidence_matrix Find the Incidence Matrix of a Hypergraph
is_directed Is a Hypergraph Directed
is_oriented Is a Hypergraph Oriented
is_weighted Is a Hypergraph Weighted
laplacian_matrix Find the Laplacian Matrix of a Hypergraph
pseudo_invert Pseudo-Invert a Vector
spectra Find the Spectra of a Hypergraph
spectral_distance Find the Spectral Distance Between Two Hypergraphs
spectral_distance_disc Find the Spectral Distance From the Fully Disconnected Hypergraph
validate_hypergraph Quickly Validate a Hypergraph
vertex_names Get Vertex Names
vertex_weights Get Vertex Weights
vert_norm_lap_mat Find the Vertex Normalised Laplacian Matrix of a Hypergraph