A Framework for Enterprise Shiny Applications

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Documentation for package ‘rhino’ version 1.7.0

Help Pages

app Rhino application
box_func_import_count_linter 'box' library function import count linter
box_separate_calls_linter 'box' library separate packages and module imports linter
box_trailing_commas_linter 'box' library trailing commas linter
box_universal_import_linter 'box' library universal import linter
build_js Build JavaScript
build_sass Build Sass
dependencies Manage dependencies
diagnostics Print diagnostics
format_r Format R
init Create Rhino application
lint_js Lint JavaScript
lint_r Lint R
lint_sass Lint Sass
log Logging functions
pkg_install Manage dependencies
pkg_remove Manage dependencies
react_component React components
rhinos Population of rhinos
test_e2e Run Cypress end-to-end tests
test_r Run R unit tests