archive_course | Archive a Google Classroom Course |
authorize | Authorize R package to access Google classroom API |
auth_from_secret | Use secrets to Authorize R package to access Google classroom API |
commit_to_form | Commit changes to a Google form |
copy_form | Make a copy of an existing form |
create_course | Create a new course |
create_coursework | Create a new coursework |
create_form | Create a new form |
create_material | Create a new material |
create_multiple_choice_question | Create a multiple choice question |
create_quiz | Create a quiz at a course |
create_text_question | Create a text question |
create_topic | Create a new topic |
date_handler | Handle and parse a due_date |
delete_course | Delete a Google Classroom Course |
delete_coursework | Delete a Google Classroom Coursework |
get_coursework_list | Get list of courseworks for a course |
get_coursework_properties | Get Google Classroom Course Properties |
get_course_list | Get list of courses |
get_course_properties | Get Google Classroom Course Properties |
get_drive_file_list | Get list of files from a Google Shared Drive |
get_endpoint | Generate endpoint for the Google classroom API |
get_form_properties | Get Google Form Properties |
get_form_responses | Get form responses |
get_linked_quizzes_list | Get list of forms used in a course as quizzes |
get_materials_list | Get list of materials for a course |
get_materials_properties | Get Google Classroom Materials properties |
get_owner_id | Get ownerId based on credentials |
get_topic_list | Get list of topics for a course |
get_topic_properties | Get Google Classroom Topic Properties |
is.google_forms_request | Check if the object is a google forms request object |
make_form_quiz | Turn a form into a quiz |
markdown_quiz_path | Get file path to an example quiz |
ottr_quiz_to_google | Create Google Form Quiz from Markua quiz |
publish_coursework | Publish a Google Classroom CourseWork |
time_handler | Handle and parse a time |
translate_questions_api | Translate Markua questions for submission to Google API |
update_form_settings | Create a multiple choice question |