Build, Import and Export GEXF Graph Files

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Documentation for package ‘rgexf’ version 0.16.2

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rgexf-package Build, Import and Export GEXF Graph Files
add.edge.spell Adding and removing nodes/edges from 'gexf' objects
add.gexf.edge Adding and removing nodes/edges from 'gexf' objects
add.gexf.node Adding and removing nodes/edges from 'gexf' objects
add.node.spell Adding and removing nodes/edges from 'gexf' objects
check.dpl.edges Check (and count) duplicated edges
checkTimes Checks for correct time format
edge.list Decompose an edge list
export-gexf S3 methods for 'gexf' objects
followers Edge list with attributes
gephi Build, Import and Export GEXF Graph Files
gexf Creates an object of class 'gexf'
gexf-class Creates an object of class 'gexf'
gexf-methods S3 methods for 'gexf' objects Converting between 'gexf' and 'igraph' classes
gexf_js_config Visualizing GEXF graph files using gexf-js
head.gexf 'head' method for gexf objects Converting between 'gexf' and 'igraph' classes
new.gexf.graph Build an empty 'gexf' graph
plot.gexf Visualizing GEXF graph files using gexf-js
print.gexf S3 methods for 'gexf' objects
read.gexf Reads gexf (.gexf) file
rgexf Build, Import and Export GEXF Graph Files
rm.gexf.edge Adding and removing nodes/edges from 'gexf' objects
rm.gexf.node Adding and removing nodes/edges from 'gexf' objects
summary.gexf S3 methods for 'gexf' objects
switch.edges Switches between source and target
twitteraccounts Twitter accounts of Chilean Politicians and Journalists (sample)
write.gexf Creates an object of class 'gexf'