ictaluridae {rfishnet2} | R Documentation |
Dataset of Ictaluridae Taxon from Years 2017 to 2019
A dataset as a result of a search query of taxon 'Ictaluridae' and date range '2017-2019' on fishnet2.net
A data frame with 273 rows and 16 variables:
- InstitutionCode
unique code given to institution who owns the data
- IndividualCount
Number of fish individuals
- ScientificName
Scientific name of fish observation
- Family
Family of fish observation
- PreparationType
Type of preparation
- Tissues
Whether observation contains tissues
- Latitude
Latitude observed
- Longitude
Longitude observed
- Country
Country that lot was observed in
- StateProvince
State or province where lot was observed
- County
County that lot was observed in
- YearCollected
Year collected
- MonthCollected
Month collected
- DayCollected
Day collected
- BasisOfRecord
Preserved Specimen
- DateLastModified
Data record last modified in database
[Package rfishnet2 version 0.2.0 Index]