Estimate Permutation p-Values for Random Forest Importance Metrics

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Documentation for package ‘rfPermute’ version 2.5.2

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rfPermute-package 'rfPermute' package
as.randomForest Estimate Permutation p-values for Random Forest Importance Metrics
balancedSampsize Balanced Sample Size
casePredictions Case Predictions
classPriors Class Priors
cleanRFdata Clean Random Forest Input Data
combineRP Combine rfPermute objects
confusionMatrix Confusion Matrix
importance Extract rfPermute Importance Scores and p-values.
importance.rfPermute Extract rfPermute Importance Scores and p-values.
pctCorrect Percent Correctly Classified
plotConfMat Confusion Matrix
plotImportance Extract rfPermute Importance Scores and p-values.
plotImpPreds Plot Important Predictor Distribution
plotInbag Plot Inbag distribution
plotNull Plot Random Forest Importance Null Distributions
plotPredictedProbs Plot Predicted Probabilities
plotProximity Plot Random Forest Proximity Scores
plotTrace Plot Trace
plotVotes Plot Vote Distribution
predict.rfPermute Estimate Permutation p-values for Random Forest Importance Metrics
print.rfPermute Estimate Permutation p-values for Random Forest Importance Metrics
rfPermute Estimate Permutation p-values for Random Forest Importance Metrics
rfPermute.default Estimate Permutation p-values for Random Forest Importance Metrics
rfPermute.formula Estimate Permutation p-values for Random Forest Importance Metrics
rfPermuteTutorial 'rfPermute' package
rfPermute_package 'rfPermute' package
summary Diagnostics of 'rfPermute' or 'randomForest' models.
summary.randomForest Diagnostics of 'rfPermute' or 'randomForest' models.
summary.rfPermute Diagnostics of 'rfPermute' or 'randomForest' models.
symb.metab Symbiodinium type metabolite profiles