Revealed Preferences and Microeconomic Rationality

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Documentation for package ‘revealedPrefs’ version 0.4.1

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revealedPrefs-package Revealed Preferences and Microeconomic Rationality
checkGarp Non-parametric tests of rationality axioms (WARP, SARP, GARP).
checkSarp Non-parametric tests of rationality axioms (WARP, SARP, GARP).
checkWarp Non-parametric tests of rationality axioms (WARP, SARP, GARP).
cpLower Lower bound on the number of GARP-consistent subpopulations.
cpUpper Upper bound on the number of GARP-consistent subpopulations and clustering.
directPrefs Compute direct and indirect revealed preferences.
indirectPrefs Compute direct and indirect revealed preferences.
noAxiom revealedPrefs example datasets
noGarp revealedPrefs example datasets
noSarp revealedPrefs example datasets
noWarp revealedPrefs example datasets
okSarp revealedPrefs example datasets
print.axiomTest Non-parametric tests of rationality axioms (WARP, SARP, GARP).
print.lowerBound Lower bound on the number of GARP-consistent subpopulations.
print.upperBound Upper bound on the number of GARP-consistent subpopulations and clustering.
revealedPrefs Revealed Preferences and Microeconomic Rationality
simGarp Generate random data consistent with rationality axioms (WARP, SARP, GARP).
simPrefs Generate random data according to a given matrix of direct preferences.
simSarp Generate random data consistent with rationality axioms (WARP, SARP, GARP).
simWarp Generate random data consistent with rationality axioms (WARP, SARP, GARP).
summary.axiomTest Non-parametric tests of rationality axioms (WARP, SARP, GARP).
summary.lowerBound Lower bound on the number of GARP-consistent subpopulations.
summary.upperBound Upper bound on the number of GARP-consistent subpopulations and clustering.