epost {reutils}R Documentation

epost - uploading UIDs to Entrez


epost uses the Entrez EPost utility to upload primary UIDs to the Entrez History server or append a list of UIDs to an existing set of UIDs attached to a Web Environment.


epost(uid, db = NULL, webenv = NULL)



(Required) List of UIDs provided as a character or as an esearch object.


(Required if uid is a character vector) Database containing the UIDs in the input list.


(Optional) Web Environment. If provided, this parameter specifies the Web Environment that will receive the UIDs sent by epost. epost will create a new query key associated with that Web Environment. The webenv value is usually returned by a previous call to esearch, epost or elink. If no webenv parameter is provided, the EPost utility will create a new Web Environment and post the UIDs to query key 1.


epost returns an integer label called a query key and an encoded cookie string called a Web environment. epost objects can then be used instead of a UID list in subsequent calls to esummary, efetch, or elink.

See the official online documentation for NCBI's EUtilities for additional information.


An epost object.


## post a list of protein GIs to the Entrez History server
gi <- c("194680922", "50978626", "28558982", "9507199", "6678417")
p <- epost(gi, "protein")

[Package reutils version 0.2.3 Index]