uvector {resde}R Documentation

ML estimation vector for reducible SDEs


These functions are not normally called directly by the user. Function uvector() is used by sdefit(). Function uvector_noh() is a more limited version, maintained for documentation purposes. Function logdet_and_v() is used by uvector() and uvector_noh().


uvector(x, t, unit = NULL, beta0, beta1, eta, eta0, x0, t0, lambda,
  mum = 1, mu0 = 1, mup = 1, sorted = FALSE, final = FALSE)

uvector_noh(x, t, beta0, beta1, eta, eta0, x0, t0, lambda, final = FALSE)

logdet.and.v(cdiag, csub = NULL, z)


x, t

Data vectors


Unit id vector, if any.

beta0, beta1, eta, eta0, x0, t0

SDE parameters or re-parameterizations.


Named list of parameters(s) for phi(), possibly local vectors.

mum, mu0, mup

Optional σ\sigma multipliers.


Data already ordered by increasing t?


Mode, see below.


Vector with the diagonal elements ciic_{ii} of CC.


Vector with sub-diagonal ci,i1c_{i, i-1} for i>1i > 1.


A numeric vector


uvector() and uvector_noh() calculate a vector of residuals for sum of squares minimization by nls() or nlme(). The first one works both for single-unit and for bilevel hierarchical models. It is backward-compatible with uvector_noh(), which is only for single-unit models but simpler and easier to understand. They require a transformation function phi(x, theta), and a function phiprime(x, theta) for the derivative dy/dx, where theta is a list containing the transformation parameters.

logdet_and_v() calculates log[det(L)]\log[\det(L)] and v=L1zv = L^{-1} z, where C=LLC = LL', with LL lower-triangular.

The three functions are essentially unchanged from García (2019) <doi:10.1007/s00180-018-0837-4>, except for a somewhat safer computation for very small beta1, and adding in logdet_and_v() a shortcut for when LL is diagonal (e.g., when σm=0\sigma_m = 0). The transformation functions phi and phiprime can be passed as globals, as in the original, or in an environment named trfuns.


uvector() and uvector_noh(): If final = FALSE (default), return a vector whose sum of squares should be minimized over the parameters to obtain maximum-likelihood estimates. If final = TRUE, passing the ML parameter estimates returns a list with the sigma estimates, the maximized log-likelihood, and AIC and BIC criteria..

logdet_and_v(): List with elements logdet and v.


[Package resde version 1.1 Index]