reproj-package {reproj}R Documentation

Reproject data from source to target coordinate system.


reproj provides helpers for easily reprojecting generic data, by depending on a reprojection engine (proj4 for now).


The function reproj is designed to take an input data set x and then a target coordinate system specification. The source argument is not positional (must be named) and must be provided. Currently the coordinate system may be a 'PROJ string' or 'EPSG code' either as a number or text.

Methods are provided for data frame and matrix, add S3 methods for you classes in your own package. For classed objects, or objects with a known method for finding the 'source' coordinate system your method can provide that logic.

See reproj for global options to control assumptions about data that is input in longitude latitude form.

There is an option set at start up reproj.mock.noproj6 which is designed for testing the support in the PROJ package. Even if this package is functional this option can be set to true so that reproj falls-back to use the proj4 package instead.

[Package reproj version 0.4.3 Index]