Create Representative Records After Entity Resolution

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Documentation for package ‘representr’ version 0.1.5

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clust_composite Composite record from a cluster using a weighted average of each column values.
clust_proto_minimax Prototype record from a cluster.
clust_proto_random Prototype record from a cluster.
dist_binary The distance between two records
dist_col_type dist_col_type Inner column type record distance function
dist_col_type_slow The distance between two records
emp_kl_div Calculate the empirical KL divergence for a representative dataset as compared to the true dataset
identity.rl_reg1 500 records suitable for record linkage with additional regression variables
identity.rl_reg2 500 records suitable for record linkage with additional regression variables
identity.rl_reg5 500 records suitable for record linkage with additional regression variables
linkage.rl 500 records suitable for record linkage with additional regression variables
maxmin_compare Prototype record from a cluster.
pp_weights Get posterior weights for each record post record-linkage using posterior prototyping.
random_compare Prototype record from a cluster.
represent Create a representative dataset post record-linkage.
representr representr: A package for creating representative records post-record linkage.
rl_reg1 500 records suitable for record linkage with additional regression variables
rl_reg2 500 records suitable for record linkage with additional regression variables
rl_reg5 500 records suitable for record linkage with additional regression variables
within_category_compare Prototype record from a cluster.
within_category_compare_cpp within_category_compare_cpp Inner column type record distance function