Serializable Representations

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Documentation for package ‘repr’ version 1.1.7

Help Pages

F H M R misc

repr-package The repr package

-- F --

format2repr Lists mapping mime types ('mime2repr') or format names ('format2repr') to 'repr' functions

-- H --

html_dependencies HTML widget representations

-- M --

mime2repr Lists mapping mime types ('mime2repr') or format names ('format2repr') to 'repr' functions

-- R --

repr Dynamic representation
repr-generics Representations for specific formats
repr-options repr options
repr_*.data.table Representation of data.table objects
repr_*.factor Representations of factors
repr_*.function Representations of functions
repr_*.help_files_with_topic Representations of help
repr_*.htmlwidget HTML widget representations
repr_*.list Representations of lists
repr_*.matrix/data.frame Tabular data representations
repr_*.packageIQR packageIQR representations
repr_*.recordedplot Plot representations
repr_*.shiny.tag HTML widget representations
repr_*.shiny.tag.list HTML widget representations
repr_*.ts Time series representations
repr_*.vector Representations of vectors
repr_geojson Representations for specific formats
repr_geojson.* Representations of spatial objects: See geojson_list for supported classes.
repr_geojson.default Representations for specific formats
repr_geojson.geo_list Representations of spatial objects: See geojson_list for supported classes.
repr_geojson.sf Representations of spatial objects: See geojson_list for supported classes.
repr_geojson.sfc Representations of spatial objects: See geojson_list for supported classes.
repr_geojson.sfg Representations of spatial objects: See geojson_list for supported classes.
repr_geojson.SpatialCollections Representations of spatial objects: See geojson_list for supported classes.
repr_geojson.SpatialGrid Representations of spatial objects: See geojson_list for supported classes.
repr_geojson.SpatialGridDataFrame Representations of spatial objects: See geojson_list for supported classes.
repr_geojson.SpatialLines Representations of spatial objects: See geojson_list for supported classes.
repr_geojson.SpatialLinesDataFrame Representations of spatial objects: See geojson_list for supported classes.
repr_geojson.SpatialPixels Representations of spatial objects: See geojson_list for supported classes.
repr_geojson.SpatialPixelsDataFrame Representations of spatial objects: See geojson_list for supported classes.
repr_geojson.SpatialPoints Representations of spatial objects: See geojson_list for supported classes.
repr_geojson.SpatialPointsDataFrame Representations of spatial objects: See geojson_list for supported classes.
repr_geojson.SpatialPolygons Representations of spatial objects: See geojson_list for supported classes.
repr_geojson.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame Representations of spatial objects: See geojson_list for supported classes.
repr_geojson.SpatialRings Representations of spatial objects: See geojson_list for supported classes.
repr_geojson.SpatialRingsDataFrame Representations of spatial objects: See geojson_list for supported classes.
repr_html Representations for specific formats
repr_html.character Representations of vectors
repr_html.complex Representations of vectors Tabular data representations Representation of data.table objects
repr_html.Date Representations of vectors
repr_html.default Representations for specific formats
repr_html.factor Representations of factors
repr_html.function Representations of functions
repr_html.help_files_with_topic Representations of help
repr_html.htmlwidget HTML widget representations
repr_html.integer Representations of vectors
repr_html.list Representations of lists
repr_html.logical Representations of vectors
repr_html.matrix Tabular data representations
repr_html.numeric Representations of vectors
repr_html.packageIQR packageIQR representations
repr_html.shiny.tag HTML widget representations
repr_html.shiny.tag.list HTML widget representations
repr_html.ts Time series representations
repr_javascript Representations for specific formats
repr_javascript.default Representations for specific formats
repr_jpg Representations for specific formats
repr_jpg.default Representations for specific formats
repr_jpg.recordedplot Plot representations
repr_json Representations for specific formats
repr_json.default Representations for specific formats
repr_latex Representations for specific formats
repr_latex.character Representations of vectors
repr_latex.complex Representations of vectors Tabular data representations Representation of data.table objects
repr_latex.Date Representations of vectors
repr_latex.default Representations for specific formats
repr_latex.factor Representations of factors
repr_latex.function Representations of functions
repr_latex.help_files_with_topic Representations of help
repr_latex.integer Representations of vectors
repr_latex.list Representations of lists
repr_latex.logical Representations of vectors
repr_latex.matrix Tabular data representations
repr_latex.numeric Representations of vectors
repr_latex.ts Time series representations
repr_markdown Representations for specific formats
repr_markdown.character Representations of vectors
repr_markdown.complex Representations of vectors Tabular data representations
repr_markdown.Date Representations of vectors
repr_markdown.default Representations for specific formats
repr_markdown.factor Representations of factors
repr_markdown.function Representations of functions
repr_markdown.integer Representations of vectors
repr_markdown.list Representations of lists
repr_markdown.logical Representations of vectors
repr_markdown.matrix Tabular data representations
repr_markdown.numeric Representations of vectors
repr_markdown.ts Time series representations
repr_option_defaults repr options
repr_pdf Representations for specific formats
repr_pdf.default Representations for specific formats
repr_pdf.recordedplot Plot representations
repr_plotly1 Representations for specific formats
repr_plotly1.* Representation as Plotly JSON.
repr_plotly1.default Representations for specific formats
repr_plotly1.ggplot Representation as Plotly JSON.
repr_plotly1.plotly Representation as Plotly JSON.
repr_png Representations for specific formats
repr_png.default Representations for specific formats
repr_png.recordedplot Plot representations
repr_svg Representations for specific formats
repr_svg.default Representations for specific formats
repr_svg.recordedplot Plot representations
repr_text Text representation Tabular data representations Representation of data.table objects
repr_text.default Text representation
repr_text.help_files_with_topic Representations of help
repr_text.htmlwidget HTML widget representations
repr_text.matrix Tabular data representations
repr_text.packageIQR packageIQR representations
repr_text.recordedplot Plot representations
repr_text.shiny.tag HTML widget representations
repr_text.shiny.tag.list HTML widget representations
repr_text.ts Time series representations
repr_vdom1 Representations for specific formats
repr_vdom1.default Representations for specific formats
repr_vega* Representation as 'vegalitev2' or 'vega4' JSON.
repr_vega4 Representations for specific formats
repr_vega4.default Representations for specific formats
repr_vega5 Representations for specific formats
repr_vega5.default Representations for specific formats
repr_vegalite2 Representations for specific formats
repr_vegalite2.default Representations for specific formats
repr_vegalite2.vegalite Representation as 'vegalitev2' or 'vega4' JSON.
repr_vegalite3 Representations for specific formats
repr_vegalite3.default Representations for specific formats
repr_vegalite4 Representations for specific formats
repr_vegalite4.default Representations for specific formats

-- misc --

*2repr Lists mapping mime types ('mime2repr') or format names ('format2repr') to 'repr' functions