repec-package |
repec: access RePEc data through API |
areyouthere |
Verifies whether the server is alive |
are_you_there |
Verifies whether the server is alive |
getauthornep |
Get the NEP fields for the papers of an author |
getauthorrecordfull |
Provides info about author, mostly in the form of handles |
getauthorrecordraw |
Provides extended info about author |
getauthorsforitem |
Get Authors for an item |
getauthorshortid |
Get Short-ID and name from string in name or email |
getauthorstats |
Provides Author's statistics |
getauthortwitter |
Provides Twitter handle |
getfirstpubyear |
Provides Author's first publication year |
getgenealogy |
Provides Author's genealogy |
gethindex |
Provides H-index |
getinstrecord |
Get record of Institution |
getjelforitem |
Get JEL codes for item |
get_authors_for_item |
Get Authors for an item |
get_author_nep |
Get the NEP fields for the papers of an author |
get_author_record_full |
Provides info about author, mostly in the form of handles |
get_author_record_raw |
Provides extended info about author |
get_author_short_id |
Get Short-ID and name from string in name or email |
get_author_stats |
Provides Author's statistics |
get_author_twitter |
Provides Twitter handle |
get_first_pub_year |
Provides Author's first publication year |
get_genealogy |
Provides Author's genealogy |
get_h_index |
Provides H-index |
get_inst_record |
Get record of Institution |
get_jel_foritem |
Get JEL codes for item |
repec |
repec: access RePEc data through API |
repec_api_with_id |
Generic API call, with an ID |
testip |
Verifies whether the connection is performed from the registered IP |
test_ip |
Verifies whether the connection is performed from the registered IP |
whatismyip |
Returns the IP address you use to call the API |
what_is_myip |
Returns the IP address you use to call the API |