Renewable Power Systems and the Environment

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Documentation for package ‘renpow’ version 0.1-1

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renpow-package Renewable Power Systems and the Environment

-- A --

AC.DC.AC AC-DC and DC-AC in the time domain
ac.plot AC in the time and frequency domain
ac.plot.rect AC-DC and DC-AC in the time domain
ACcircuits AC in the time and frequency domain
ACharmonics AC Harmonic Distortion
ACpower AC power in the time and frequency domain
adiabat Thermodynamic paths and cycles
admit AC in the time and frequency domain
AirCvCpTK Dataset: Specific heat of air vs temperature
AnchorageTide Datasets: Tidal Harmonic Components
annual.avg Hydro Power Hydrology functions
arc AC in the time and frequency domain
area.vol Hydro Power Hydrology functions
ASTMG173 Dataset: ASTM G173-03 standard

-- B --

beam.diffuse Solar Power Functions
betz Wind Power calculations and statistics

-- C --

cal.vH Wind Power calculations and statistics
cdf.plot Wind Power calculations and statistics
CO2annual Dataset: CO2 monthly and annualy
CO2data Dataset: CO2 monthly and annualy
CO2monthly Dataset: CO2 monthly and annualy
collector Solar Power Functions
complex.pow.calc AC power in the time and frequency domain
complex.pow.plot AC power in the time and frequency domain
complex.pow.tri AC power in the time and frequency domain Thermodynamic paths and cycles Thermodynamic paths and cycles
CpCvT Dataset: Specific heat of air vs Temp
Cseq Carbon Sequestration
CutlerFarrisTide Datasets: Tidal Harmonic Components

-- D --

daily.min.max Electrical Power Grid Solar Power Functions
DCcircuits DC circuits and power calculations
declination Solar Power Functions
diode DC circuits and power calculations
div.polar AC in the time and frequency domain
duration.wave Wave Power Functions

-- E --

EastportTide Datasets: Tidal Harmonic Components
eff.pow DC circuits and power calculations
ElevationTide Datasets: Tidal Harmonic Components
energy.gen Wave Power Functions
energy.wave Wave Power Functions
ERCOT Dataset: ERCOT demand for year 2010
ERCOT2010 Dataset: ERCOT demand for year 2010
ERCOT2010.01 Dataset: ERCOT demand for year 2010
exceed Hydro Power Hydrology functions

-- F --

fcp Thermodynamic paths and cycles
fcpcv Thermodynamic paths and cycles
fcv Thermodynamic paths and cycles
find.peaks Tidal Power Functions
fit.wind Wind Power calculations and statistics
flow.exc.plot Hydro Power Hydrology functions
flow.plot Hydro Power Hydrology functions
flux Magnetic circuit calculations
forest.seq Carbon Sequestration
fpv Thermodynamic paths and cycles
fuel.cell DC circuits and power calculations

-- G --

generate.duration Wave Power Functions
generator Three-phase generator
GlobTempAnom Dataset: Global Surface Temperature Anomaly
grid Electrical Power Grid
gridcir AC in the time and frequency domain

-- H --

harmonic AC Harmonic Distortion
harmonics.tide Tidal Power Functions
horiz.lab AC in the time and frequency domain
hydrology Hydro Power Hydrology functions
hydropower Hydroelectric Power Functions

-- I --

I0.blackbody Solar Power Functions
I0.orbit Solar Power Functions
inductor Magnetic circuit calculations
infinite.bus Electrical Power Grid
inst.pow.calc AC power in the time and frequency domain
inst.pow.leg AC power in the time and frequency domain
inst.pow.plot AC power in the time and frequency domain
inverter AC-DC and DC-AC in the time domain
isobar Thermodynamic paths and cycles
isochor Thermodynamic paths and cycles
isotherm Thermodynamic paths and cycles
isource DC circuits and power calculations
ivplane DC circuits and power calculations

-- L --

load.duration Electrical Power Grid

-- M --

magnetic.circuits Magnetic circuit calculations
model.flow Hydro Power Hydrology functions Solar Power Functions
mult.polar AC in the time and frequency domain

-- O --

one.axis.tracking Solar Power Functions

-- P --

P.hA Hydroelectric Power Functions
P.Qh Hydroelectric Power Functions
panels Plot utilities
panels.plots Plot utilities
path.calc Thermodynamic paths and cycles
path.cycles Thermodynamic paths and cycles
path.cycles.summary Thermodynamic paths and cycles
path.lines Thermodynamic paths and cycles
path.summary Thermodynamic paths and cycles
Pe.Pw Hydroelectric Power Functions
pf.corr AC power in the time and frequency domain
pf.corr.tri AC power in the time and frequency domain
phas.leg AC in the time and frequency domain
phase Thermodynamic paths and cycles
phasor.plot AC in the time and frequency domain
pipe.loss Hydroelectric Power Functions
plot2yaxis Plot utilities
Pmax.Qh Hydroelectric Power Functions
Pmax.Qh.plot Hydroelectric Power Functions
polar AC in the time and frequency domain
PortAransasTide Datasets: Tidal Harmonic Components
pow.class Wind Power calculations and statistics
pow.rho.v3 Wind Power calculations and statistics
pow.rho.v3.table Wind Power calculations and statistics
pow.v3.plot Wind Power calculations and statistics
pow.wind Wind Power calculations and statistics Mechanical power and work Mechanical power and work
power.barrage.cycle Tidal Power Functions
power.curve Wind Power calculations and statistics
powflux.wave Wave Power Functions
prob.power.curve Wind Power calculations and statistics
PVcell DC circuits and power calculations
PVcell.plot DC circuits and power calculations

-- R --

read.tau Solar Power Functions
read.tide Tidal Power Functions
recta AC in the time and frequency domain
rectifier AC-DC and DC-AC in the time domain
RefCoefAir Thermodynamic paths and cycles
reluctance Magnetic circuit calculations
renpow Renewable Power Systems and the Environment
resistor DC circuits and power calculations
rho.pT.air Wind Power calculations and statistics
rho.zT.air Wind Power calculations and statistics
rot.fig AC in the time and frequency domain
rotate Wave Power Functions

-- S --

seg.ts Electrical Power Grid
series.plot Electrical Power Grid
simpson Thermodynamic paths and cycles
simpson.pv Thermodynamic paths and cycles
sinplot AC in the time and frequency domain
solarpower Solar Power Functions
spectral Solar Power Functions
sun.diagram Solar Power Functions
sun.elev Solar Power Functions
sun.path Solar Power Functions

-- T -- Dataset: monthly tau and bd for a location
tauAtlanta Dataset: monthly tau and bd for a location
tauGolden Dataset: monthly tau and bd for a location
TEODP2017 Dataset: Example of wind speed at two heights
test100 Dataset: simple example for 100 data points
thermodynamics Thermodynamic paths and cycles
tidal.power Tidal Power Functions
tidalpower Tidal Power Functions
tide.current.abs Tidal Power Functions
Tides Datasets: Tidal Harmonic Components
tilt.adj Solar Power Functions
transformer Transformer Circuits
transient DC circuits and power calculations
turbine.regions Hydroelectric Power Functions
turbine.regions.all Hydroelectric Power Functions
two.axis.tracking Solar Power Functions

-- U --

useful.waste Solar Power Functions

-- V --

v.H Wind Power calculations and statistics
vector.phasor AC in the time and frequency domain
VelocityTide Datasets: Tidal Harmonic Components
vsource DC circuits and power calculations

-- W --

wave.contour Wave Power Functions
wave.leg AC in the time and frequency domain
WaveHsTp Dataset: Wave Duration
wavepower Wave Power Functions
waves AC in the time and frequency domain
weibull.plot Wind Power calculations and statistics Wind Power calculations and statistics
windpower Wind Power calculations and statistics

-- X --

xformer.ckt Transformer Circuits