best_duplicate |
Choose the best duplicate |
cormatrix_excel |
Easy export of correlation matrix to Excel |
extract_duplicates |
Extract all duplicates |
find_mad |
Identify outliers based on 3 MAD |
format_d |
Easily format p or r values |
format_p |
Easily format p or r values |
format_r |
Easily format p or r values |
format_value |
Easily format p or r values |
get_dep_version |
Get required version of specified package dependency |
grouped_bar_chart |
Easy grouped bar charts for categorical variables |
install_if_not_installed |
Install package if not already installed |
nice_assumptions |
Easy assumptions checks |
nice_contrasts |
Easy planned contrasts |
nice_density |
Easy density plots |
nice_lm |
Nice formatting of lm models |
nice_lm_contrasts |
Easy planned contrasts using lm models |
nice_lm_slopes |
Nice formatting of simple slopes for lm models |
nice_mod |
Easy moderations |
nice_na |
Report missing values according to guidelines |
nice_normality |
Easy normality check per group |
nice_qq |
Easy QQ plots per group |
nice_randomize |
Easily randomization |
nice_reverse |
Easily recode scores |
nice_scatter |
Easy scatter plots |
nice_slopes |
Easy simple slopes |
nice_table |
Easily make nice APA tables |
nice_t_test |
Easy t-tests |
nice_var |
Obtain variance per group |
nice_varplot |
Attempt to visualize variance per group |
nice_violin |
Easy violin plots |
overlap_circle |
Interpolate the Inclusion of the Other in the Self Scale |
plot_means_over_time |
Easy scatter plots over multiple times (T1, T2, T3) |
plot_outliers |
Visually check outliers (dot plot) |
scale_mad |
Standardize based on the absolute median deviation |
winsorize_mad |
Winsorize based on the absolute median deviation |