Spatiotemporal Autoregression Analyses for Large Data Sets

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Documentation for package ‘remotePARTS’ version 1.0.4

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AR_fun AR regressions by REML
calc_dfpart calculate degrees of freedom for partitioned GLS
check_posdef Check if a matrix is positive definite
chisqr Conduct a chi-squared test
chisqr.partGLS Conduct a chisqr test of "partGLS" object
covar_exp Tapered-spherical distance-based covariance function
covar_exppow Tapered-spherical distance-based covariance function
covar_taper Tapered-spherical distance-based covariance function
crosspart_GLS Calculate cross-partition statistics in a partitioned GLS
distm_km Calculate a distance matrix from coordinates
distm_scaled Calculate a distance matrix from coordinates
fitAR AR regressions by REML
fitAR_map Map-level AR REML
fitCLS CLS for time series
fitCLS_map Map-level CLS for time series
fitCor Estimate spatial parameters from time series residuals
fitGLS Fit a PARTS GLS model.
fitGLS_opt Fit a PARTS GLS model, with maximum likelihood spatial parameters
fitGLS_opt_FUN Function that fitGLS_opt optimizes over
fitGLS_partition fit a parallel partitioned GLS
invert_chol Invert the cholesky decomposition of V
max_dist calculate maximum distance among a table of coordinates
MCGLS_partsummary fit a parallel partitioned GLS
MC_GLSpart fit a parallel partitioned GLS
multicore_fitGLS_partition fit a parallel partitioned GLS
ndvi_AK10000 NDVI remote sensing data for 10,000 random pixels from Alaska, with rare land classes removed.
optimize_nugget Find the maximum likelihood estimate of the nugget
partGLS_ndviAK partitioned GLS results
part_chisqr Chisqr test for partitioned GLS
part_csv fit a parallel partitioned GLS
part_data fit a parallel partitioned GLS
part_ttest Correlated t-test for paritioned GLS
print.mapTS S3 print method for remoteTS class
print.partGLS S3 print method for "partGLS" objects
print.remoteCor S3 print method for "remoteCor" class
print.remoteGLS print method for remoteGLS
print.remoteTS S3 print method for remoteTS class
remoteGLS remoteGLS constructor (S3)
sample_partitions Randomly sample a partition matrix for partitioned GLS
smry_funM S3 print method for remoteTS class
smry_funV S3 print method for remoteTS class
summary.mapTS S3 print method for remoteTS class
summary.remoteTS S3 print method for remoteTS class
t.test.partGLS Conduct a t-test of "partGLS" object
test_covar_fun Test passing a covariance function and arguments