remote-package | R EMpirical Orthogonal TEleconnections |
anomalize | Create an anomaly RasterStack |
australiaGPCP | Monthly GPCP precipitation data for Australia |
calcVar | Calculate space-time variance of a RasterStack or RasterBrick |
covWeight | Create a weighted covariance matrix |
cutStack | Shorten a RasterStack |
deg2rad | Convert degrees to radians |
denoise | Noise filtering through principal components |
deseason | Create seasonal anomalies |
deseason-method | Create seasonal anomalies |
eot | EOT analysis of a predictor and (optionally) a response RasterStack |
eot-method | EOT analysis of a predictor and (optionally) a response RasterStack |
EotCycle | Calculate a single EOT |
EotMode-class | Class EotMode |
EotStack-class | Class EotStack |
geoWeight | Geographic weighting |
getWeights | Calculate weights from latitude |
lagalize | Create lagged RasterStacks |
longtermMeans | Calculate long-term means from a 'RasterStack' |
names | Names of Eot* objects |
names-method | Names of Eot* objects |
names<- | Names of Eot* objects |
names<--method | Names of Eot* objects |
nmodes | Number of modes of an EotStack |
nmodes-method | Number of modes of an EotStack |
nXplain | Number of EOTs needed for variance explanation |
nXplain-method | Number of EOTs needed for variance explanation |
pacificSST | Monthly SSTs for the tropical Pacific Ocean |
plot | Plot an Eot* object |
plot-method | Plot an Eot* object |
predict | EOT based spatial prediction |
predict-method | EOT based spatial prediction |
remote | R EMpirical Orthogonal TEleconnections |
subset | Subset modes in EotStacks |
subset-method | Subset modes in EotStacks |
vdendool | Mean seasonal (DJF) 700 mb geopotential heights |
writeEot | Write Eot* objects to disk |
writeEot-method | Write Eot* objects to disk |
[[-method | Subset modes in EotStacks |