summary {remiod}R Documentation

Summarize the results from an object of class remiod


Obtain and print the summary, (fixed effects) coefficients (coef) and credible interval (confint).


summary(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'remiod'
summary(object, start = NULL, end = NULL, thin = NULL,
  quantiles = c(0.025, 0.975), outcome = NULL, exclude_chains = NULL,
  warn = TRUE, mess = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'summary.remiod'
print(x, digits = 3, ...)

## S3 method for class 'summary.remiod'
coef(object, start = NULL, end = NULL,
  thin = NULL, subset = NULL, exclude_chains = NULL, warn = TRUE,
  mess = TRUE, ...)



object inheriting from class 'remoid'


additional, optional arguments


named list specifying limits of truncation for the distribution of the named incomplete variables (see the vignette ModelSpecification)


list of hyper-parameters, as obtained by default_hyperpars()


named vector of (continuous) variables that will be centred and scaled (such that mean = 0 and sd = 1) when they enter a linear predictor to improve convergence of the MCMC sampling. Default is that all numeric variables and integer variables with >20 different values will be scaled. If set to FALSE no scaling will be done.


named list of JAGS model chunks (character strings) that replace the model for the given variable.


list that will be appended to the list containing the data that is passed to rjags (data_list). This may be necessary if additional data / variables are needed for custom (covariate) models.

character string specifying the type of progress bar. Possible values are "text" (default), "gui", and "none" (see update). Note: when sampling is performed in parallel it is not possible to display a progress bar.


logical; if TRUE then messages generated by rjags during compilation as well as the progress bar for the adaptive phase will be suppressed, (see jags.model)


should the "original" MCMC sample (i.e., the scaled version returned by coda.samples()) be kept? (The MCMC sample that is re-scaled to the scale of the data is always kept.)


character string specifying the name of the model file (including the ending, either .R or .txt). If unspecified a random name will be generated.


directory containing the model file or directory in which the model file should be written. If unspecified a temporary directory will be created.


logical; whether an existing model file with the specified <modeldir>/<modelname> should be overwritten. If set to FALSE and a model already exists, that model will be used. If unspecified (NULL) and a file exists, the user is asked for input on how to proceed.


logical; whether the created JAGS model file should be saved or removed from (FALSE; default) when the sampling has finished.


the first iteration of interest (see window.mcmc)


the last iteration of interest (see window.mcmc)


thinning interval (integer; see window.mcmc). For example, thin = 1 (default) will keep the MCMC samples from all iterations; thin = 5 would only keep every 5th iteration.


posterior quantiles


specify outcome variable to select imputation model(s) to summarize. Default generates summaries for all models.


optional vector of the index numbers of chains that should be excluded


logical; should warnings be given? Default is TRUE.


logical; should messages be given? Default is TRUE.


an object of class summary.remiod


the minimum number of significant digits to be printed in values.


subset of parameters/variables/nodes (columns in the MCMC sample). Follows the same principle as the argument monitor_params and selected_parms.


summary information, including parameter posterior mean, posterior SD, quantiles, tail probability tail-prob, Gelman-Rubin criterion GR-crit, the ratio of the Monte Carlo error and posterior standard deviation) for specified parameters MCE/SD.


# data(schizow)

test = remiod(formula = y6 ~ tx + y0 + y1 + y3, data = schizow,
              trtvar = 'tx', algorithm = 'jags', method="MAR",
              ord_cov_dummy = FALSE, n.adapt = 50, n.chains = 1,
              n.iter = 50, thin = 2, warn = FALSE, seed = 1234)

summary(object = test, outcome = c("y6","y3"))

[Package remiod version 1.0.2 Index]