reliabilitydiag {reliabilitydiag}R Documentation

Reliability diagram object


Documentation of the 'reliabilitydiag' object, and its constructors.


  y = NULL,
  r = NULL,
  tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),
  xtype = NULL,
  xvalues = NULL,
  region.level = 0.9,
  region.method = NULL,
  region.position = "diagonal",
  n.boot = 100




objects to be coerced to 'reliabilitydiag' and concatenated


a numeric vector of binary response values in {0, 1} to be predicted.


an object inheriting from the class 'reliabilitydiag'; alternative to y.


accuracy when comparing y in 'reliabilitydiag' objects.


a string specifying whether the prediction values should be treated as "continuous" or "discrete".


a numeric vector of possible prediction values; values in x are rounded to the nearest value in xvalues and xtype is set to "discrete".


a value in (0, 1) specifying the level at which consistency or confidence regions are calculated.


a string specifying whether "resampling", "continuous_asymptotics", or "discrete_asymptotics" are used to calculate consistency/confidence regions.


a string specifying whether consistency regions around the "diagonal" or confidence regions around the "estimate" are calculated.


the number of bootstrap samples when region.method == "resampling".


reliabilitydiag constructs and returns an object inheriting from the class 'reliabilitydiag'. Each object passed via ... is coerced by the methods described in as.reliabilitydiag, and then concatenated by c.reliabilitydiag.

reliabilitydiag0 constructs an empty 'reliabilitydiag' object from the response values.

If any of the arguments region.level, region.method, or region.position is NA, then the uncertainty quantification in terms of consistency/confidence regions is skipped.

Consistency regions are determined under the assumption of calibration of the original predictions, that is, perfectly reliable forecasts such that P(Y=1X)=XP(Y = 1|X) = X. Consistency regions are therefore positioned around values on the diagonal (set region.position to "diagonal").

For confidence regions, calibration is enforced by using the PAV-recalibrated predictions for uncertainty quantification, that is, it is assumed that P(Y=1X)=PAV(X)P(Y = 1|X) = PAV(X). Confidence regions are therefore positioned around the estimated conditional exceedence probability (CEP) line (set region.position to "estimate").

When region.method is "resampling", then the original forecast-observations pairs are bootstrapped n.boot times. For each bootstrap sample, new observations are drawn under the respective assumption (consistency or confidence). Then PAV-recalibration with those new observations is performed on each bootstrap sample, and pointwise lower and upper bounds are calculated across the resulting CEP lines.

When region.method is "discrete_asymptotics" and region.position is "diagonal", a Gaussian approximation is used assuming n(EST(x)x)\sqrt{n} * (EST(x) - x) has variance x(1x)x(1-x), where xx is an original prediction value, nn is the observed number of predictions with value xx, and EST(x)EST(x) is the estimated CEP value at xx.

When region.method is "continuous_asymptotics" and region.position is "diagonal", a Chernoff approximation is used for (nf(x)/(4x(1x)))(1/3)(EST(x)x)(n * f(x) / (4 * x * (1- x)))^{(1/3)} * (EST(x) - x), where xx is an original prediction value, nn is the total number of observations, EST(x)EST(x) is the estimated CEP value at xx, and f(x)f(x) is the estimated value of the density of the original prediction values. This density is estimated using the bde package: We use Chen's beta kernel density estimator (see bde).


reliabilitydiag returns a 'reliabilitydiag' object, which is a named list-type vector class with the attribute y containing the values supplied to the input argument y, that is, the numeric vector of response values to be predicted. The length is given by the number of prediction methods detected from the supplied objects.

reliabilitydiag0 returns an empty 'reliabilitydiag' object with attribute y.

Each entry of a 'reliabilitydiag' object (corresponding to a single prediction method) is itself a list with the following entries

cases a tibble of all predictions and observations.
bins a tibble of the characteristics of the PAV induced bins.
regions a tibble with lower and upper bounds of the pointwise consistency/confidence regions.
xinfo a list of characteristics of x.

Each cases tibble comprises the forecast-observation pairs of the given prediction method. It is arranged in increasing order of x and has columns

case_id an ID based on the original order of the predictions and observations.
x an original prediction (increasing order).
y an observation, corresponding to x.
bin_id an ID for the PAV-recalibration induced bins.
CEP_pav the unique PAV-recalibrated prediction corresponding to bin_id.

Each bins tibble contains PAV-recalibration information, and has columns

bin_id as in cases, with any ID only appearing once.
n the number of predictions with a given bin_id.
x_min the smallest value of the predictions with the given bin_id.
x_max the largest value of the predictions with the given bin_id.
CEP_pav the unique PAV-recalibrated prediction corresponding to bin_id.

Each regions tibble contains the uncertainty quantification information, and has columns

x an original prediction, with any value only appearing once.
lower the lower bound of the consistency/confidence region at x.
upper the upper bound of the consistency/confidence region x.
n the number of predictions with a value of x.
level the level of the consistency/confidence regions.
method the method used to calculate the consistency/confidence region.
position "diagonal" for a consistency region, and "estimate" for a confidence region.

Each xinfo list has entries

type the type of predictions, either "discrete" or "continuous".
values the values supplied to xvalues.

See Also

c.reliabilitydiag, [.reliabilitydiag, plot.reliabilitydiag.

See summary.reliabilitydiag for a decomposition of predictive performance into miscalibration, discrimination, and uncertainty.


data("precip_Niamey_2016", package = "reliabilitydiag")

# standard use with a data.frame
r <- reliabilitydiag(precip_Niamey_2016["EMOS"], y = precip_Niamey_2016$obs)

# no consistency/confidence regions
X <- precip_Niamey_2016$EMOS
Y <- precip_Niamey_2016$obs
r1 <- reliabilitydiag(X = X, y = Y, region.level = NA)

# specify predictions via existing reliabilitydiag
r0 <- reliabilitydiag0(Y)
identical(r1, reliabilitydiag(X = X, r = r0, region.level = NA))

# only observation information is used from existing reliabilitydiag
X2 <- precip_Niamey_2016$ENS
r2 <- reliabilitydiag(X2 = X2, r = r, region.level = NA)
r3 <- reliabilitydiag(X2 = X2, r = r0, region.level = NA)
identical(r2, r3)

[Package reliabilitydiag version 0.2.1 Index]