reduction {relations}R Documentation

Transitive and Reflexive Reduction


Computes transitive and reflexive reduction of an endorelation.


## S3 method for class 'relation'
reduction(x, operation = c("transitive", "reflexive"), ...)



an R object inheriting from class relation, representing an endorelation.


character string indicating the kind of reduction.


currently not used.


Let R be an endorelation on X and n be the number of elements in X.

The transitive reduction of R is the smallest relation R' on X so that the transitive closure of R' is the same than the transitive closure of R.

The transitive reduction of an acyclic relation can be obtained by subtracting from R the composition of R with its transitive closure.

The transitive reduction of a cyclic relation is the transitive reduction of the condensation, combined with the component representation of R. (Note that the transitive reduction of a cyclic relation is cyclic.)

The reflexive reduction of R is computed by setting the diagonal of the incidence matrix to 0.


S. Warshall (1962), A theorem on Boolean matrices. Journal of the ACM, 9/1, 11–12. doi:10.1145/321105.321107.

J. A. La PoutrĂ© and J. van Leeuwen (1988), Maintenance of Transitive Closures and Transitive Reductions of Graphs. Proceedings of the International Workshop of Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, Springer, London, 106–120.

See Also

reflexive_reduction(), transitive_reduction(), reduction(),
relation_condensation(), relation_component_representation().


R <- as.relation(1 : 5)

## transitive closure/reduction
RR <- transitive_reduction(R)
R == transitive_closure(RR)

## same
require("sets")				# closure() and reduction() etc.
R == closure(reduction(R))

## reflexive closure/reduction

RR <- reflexive_reduction(R)
R == reflexive_closure(RR)

## same:
R == closure(reduction(R, "reflexive"), "reflexive")

## transitive reduction of a cyclic relation:
## (example from La Poutre and van Leeuwen)

require("sets")				# set(), pair() etc.
if(require("Rgraphviz")) {
  G <- set(pair(1L, 2L), pair(2L, 1L), pair(1L, 3L), pair(3L, 1L),
           pair(3L, 7L), pair(2L, 5L), pair(2L, 6L), pair(6L, 5L),
           pair(5L, 7L), pair(4L, 6L), pair(5L, 4L), pair(4L, 7L))
  R <- endorelation(graph = G)
  plot(relation_ensemble(R, R), type = c("raw", "simplified"), main =
           c("original graph", "transitive reduction"))

[Package relations version 0.6-13 Index]