krsFit {regtools} | R Documentation |
Tools for Neural Networks
Tools to complement existing neural networks software, notably a more "R-like" wrapper to fitting data with R's keras package.
## S3 method for class 'krsFit'
object |
An object of class 'krsFit'. |
... |
Data points to be predicted, 'newx'. |
x |
X data, predictors, one row per data point, in the training set. Must be a matrix. |
y |
Numeric vector of Y values. In classification case
must be integers, not an R factor, and take on the values 0,1,2,...,
Vector of number of units per hidden layer, or the rate for a dropout layer. | |
acts |
Vector of names of the activation functions, one per hidden layer. Choices inclde 'relu', 'sigmoid', 'tanh', 'softmax', 'elu', 'selu'. |
learnRate |
Learning rate. |
conv |
R list specifying the convolutional layers, if any. |
xShape |
Vector giving the number of rows and columns, and in the convolutional case with multiple channels, the number of channels. |
classif |
If TRUE, indicates a classification problem. |
nClass |
Number of classes. |
nEpoch |
Number of epochs. |
krsFitOut |
An object returned by |
scaleX |
If TRUE, scale X columns. |
scaleY |
If TRUE, scale Y columns. |
The krstFit
function is a wrapper for the entire pipeline
in fitting the R keras package to a dataset: Defining the model,
compiling, stating the inputs and so on. As a result, the wrapper
allows the user to skip those details (or not need to even know them),
and define the model in a manner more familiar to R users.
The paired predict.krsFit
takes as its first argument the output
of krstFit
, and newx
, the points to be predicted.
Norm Matloff
## Not run:
ped <- peDumms[,c(1,20,22:27,29,32,31)]
# predict wage income
x <- ped[,-11]
y <- ped[,11]
z <- krsFit(x,y,c(50,50,50),classif=FALSE,nEpoch=25)
preds <- predict(z,x)
mean(abs(preds-y)) # something like 25000
x <- ped[,-(4:8)]
y <- ped[,4:8]
y <- dummiesToInt(y,FALSE) - 1
z <- krsFit(x,y,c(50,50,0.20,50),classif=TRUE,nEpoch=175,nClass=6)
preds <- predict(z,x)
mean(preds == y) # something like 0.39
# obtain MNIST training and test sets; the following then uses the
# example network of
# public/4027ec902e239c93eaaa8714f173bcfc/2961012104553482/
# 4462572393058129/1806228006848429/latest.html
# converted to use the krsFit wrapper
x <- mntrn[,-785] / 255
y <- mntrn[,785]
xShape <- c(28,28)
# define convolutional layers
conv1 <- list(type='conv2d',filters=32,kern=3)
conv2 <- list(type='pool',kern=2)
conv3 <- list(type='conv2d',filters=64,kern=3)
conv4 <- list(type='pool',kern=2)
conv5 <- list(type='drop',drop=0.5)
# call wrapper, 1 dense hidden layer of 128 units, then dropout layer
# with proportion 0.5
z <- krsFit(x,y,conv=list(conv1,conv2,conv3,conv4,conv5),c(128,0.5),
# try on test set
preds <- predict(z,mntst[,-785]/255)
mean(preds == mntst[,785]) # 0.98 in my sample run
## End(Not run)