Reference Interval Estimation using Real-World Data

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Documentation for package ‘refineR’ version 1.6.1

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refineR-package refineR: Reference Interval Estimation using Real-World Data (RWD)
addGrid Add a grid to an existing plot.
as.rgb Convert color-names or RGB-code to possibly semi-transparent RGB-code.
ashDensity Estimate density of distribution employing the R package "ash" using R-wrapper function.
BoxCox One-parameter Box-Cox transformation.
calculateCostHist Calculate costs for a specific combinations of lambda, muVec and sigmaVec.
defineSearchRegions Helper function to define search regions for mu and sigma and to get the region around the main peak 'ab'
estimateAB Helper function to find region around the main peak of a distribution
findMainPeak Helper function to find the main peak of a distribution
findPeaksAndValleys Find the index of the peaks and valleys of the density estimation.
findRI Function to estimate reference intervals for a single population
findRoundingBase Estimate rounding base of the input data.
generateHistData Generate list with histogram data.
getRI Method to calculate reference intervals (percentiles) for objects of class 'RWDRI'
getSumForPArea Helper function to calculate the amount of observed and estimated data points within specified regions around the peak.
invBoxCox Inverse of the one-parameter Box-Cox transformation.
optimizeGrid Helper function for grid search for mu and sigma.
plot.RWDRI Standard plot method for objects of class 'RWDRI'
pnormApprox Approximate calculation of CDF of normal distribution.
print.RWDRI Standard print method for objects of class 'RWDRI'
refineR refineR: Reference Interval Estimation using Real-World Data (RWD)
testcase1 Simulated Testcase 1.
testcase2 Simulated Testcase 2.
testcase3 Simulated Testcase 3.
testcase4 Simulated Testcase 4.
testcase5 Simulated Testcase 5.
testParam Helper function to find optimal parameters lambda, mu and sigma.