bin_to_object | Convert R objects to/from strings |
driver_redis_api | Redis object cache driver |
format_redis_time | Get time from Redis |
from_redis_hash | Convert Redis hash |
hiredis | Interface to Redis |
object_to_bin | Convert R objects to/from strings |
object_to_string | Convert R objects to/from strings |
parse_info | Parse Redis INFO |
parse_redis_url | Parse Redis URL |
redis | Redis commands object |
redis_api | Create a Redis API object |
redis_available | Interface to Redis |
redis_config | Redis configuration |
redis_connection | Create a Redis connection |
redis_info | Parse Redis INFO |
redis_multi | Helper for Redis MULTI |
redis_scripts | Load Lua scripts into Redis |
redis_time | Get time from Redis |
redis_time_to_r | Get time from Redis |
redis_version | Parse Redis INFO |
scan_apply | Iterate over keys using SCAN |
scan_del | Iterate over keys using SCAN |
scan_find | Iterate over keys using SCAN |
storr_redis_api | Redis object cache driver |
string_to_object | Convert R objects to/from strings |