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New Hampshire Election and Demographic Data
This data set contains demographic, election, and geographic information for the 326 voting tabulation districts in New Hampshire in 2020.
A tibble with 326 rows and 45 columns
state: state name
county: county name
vtd: VTD portion of GEOID
pop: total population
pop_hisp: Hispanic population
pop_white: White, not Hispanic population
pop_black: Black, not Hispanic population
pop_aian: American Indian and Alaska Native, not Hispanic population
pop_asian: Asian, not Hispanic population
pop_nhpi: Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander, not Hispanic population
pop_other: other race, not Hispanic population
pop_two: multi-race, not Hispanic population
vap: total voting-age population
vap_hisp: Hispanic voting-age population
vap_white: White, not Hispanic voting-age population
vap_black: Black, not Hispanic voting-age population
vap_aian: American Indian and Alaska Native, not Hispanic voting-age population
vap_asian: Asian, not Hispanic voting-age population
vap_nhpi: Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander, not Hispanic voting-age population
vap_other: other race, not Hispanic voting-age population
vap_two: multi-race, not Hispanic voting-age population
pre_16_rep_tru: Votes for Republican president 2016
pre_16_dem_cli: Votes for Democratic president 2016
uss_16_rep_ayo: Votes for Republican senate 2016
uss_16_dem_has: Votes for Democratic senate 2016
gov_16_rep_sun: Votes for Republican governor 2016
gov_16_dem_van: Votes for Democratic governor 2016
gov_18_rep_sun: Votes for Republican governor 2018
gov_18_dem_kel: Votes for Democratic governor 2018
pre_20_dem_bid: Votes for Democratic president 2020
pre_20_rep_tru: Votes for Republican president 2020
uss_20_dem_sha: Votes for Democratic senate 2020
uss_20_rep_mes: Votes for Republican senate 2020
gov_20_dem_fel: Votes for Democratic governor 2020
gov_20_rep_sun: Votes for Republican governor 2020
arv_16: Average Republican vote 2016
adv_16: Average Democratic vote 2016
arv_18: Average Republican vote 2018
adv_18: Average Democratic vote 2018
arv_20: Average Republican vote 2020
adv_20: Average Democratic vote 2020
nrv: Normal Republican vote
ndv: Normal Democratic vote
geometry: sf geometry, simplified for size using rmapshaper
r_2020: Republican proposed plan for 2020 Congressional districts
d_2020: Democratic proposed plan for 2020 Congressional districts
adj: zero-indexed adjacency graph
Voting and Election Science Team, 2020, "2020 Precinct-Level Election Results", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/K7760H, Harvard Dataverse, V23
Voting and Election Science Team, 2018, "2016 Precinct-Level Election Results", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/NH5S2I, Harvard Dataverse, V71
Voting and Election Science Team, 2019, "2018 Precinct-Level Election Results", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/UBKYRU, Harvard Dataverse, V48
Kenny & McCartan (2021, Aug. 10). ALARM Project: 2020 Redistricting Data Files. Retrieved from https://github.com/alarm-redist/census-2020/