Simulation Methods for Legislative Redistricting

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Documentation for package ‘redist’ version 4.2.0

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A C D E F G H I L M N P R S T W misc

-- A --

add_constr_compet Sampling constraints
add_constr_custom Sampling constraints
add_constr_edges_rem Sampling constraints
add_constr_fry_hold Sampling constraints
add_constr_grp_hinge Sampling constraints
add_constr_grp_inv_hinge Sampling constraints
add_constr_grp_pow Sampling constraints
add_constr_incumbency Sampling constraints
add_constr_log_st Sampling constraints
add_constr_multisplits Sampling constraints
add_constr_polsby Sampling constraints
add_constr_pop_dev Sampling constraints
add_constr_segregation Sampling constraints
add_constr_splits Sampling constraints
add_constr_status_quo Sampling constraints
add_constr_total_splits Sampling constraints
add_reference Add a reference plan to a set of plans
as.matrix.redist_plans Extract the matrix of district assignments from a redistricting simulation
as_redist_map Create a 'redist_map' object.
avg_by_prec Average a variable by precinct

-- C --

cbind.redist_scorer Combine scoring functions
classify_plans Hierarchically classify a set of redistricting plans
combine_scorers Combine scoring functions
compare_plans Make a comparison between two sets of plans
competitiveness Compute Competitiveness
constraints Sampling constraints
county_splits Count County Splits

-- D --

distr_compactness Calculate compactness measures for a set of plans

-- E --


-- F --

fl25 Florida 25 Precinct Shape File
fl250 Florida 250 Precinct Shape File
fl25_adj Florida 25 Precinct File
fl25_enum All Partitions of 25 Precincts into 3 Congressional Districts (No Population Constraint)
fl70 Florida 70 Precinct Shape File
freeze Freeze Parts of a Map

-- G --

get_adj Get and set the adjacency graph from a 'redist_map' object
get_existing Extract the existing district assignment from a 'redist_map' object
get_mh_acceptance_rate Extract the Metropolis Hastings Acceptance Rate
get_plans_matrix Extract the matrix of district assignments from a redistricting simulation
get_plans_weights Extract the sampling weights from a redistricting simulation.
get_pop_tol Get and set the population tolerance from a 'redist_map' object
get_sampling_info Extract the sampling information from a redistricting simulation
get_target Extract the target district population from a 'redist_map' object
group_frac Calculate Group Proportion by District

-- H --

hist.redist_plans Plot a histogram of a summary statistic

-- I --

iowa Iowa County File
is_contiguous Check that a 'redist_map' object is contiguous
is_county_split Identify which counties are split by a plan

-- L --

last_plan Extract the last plan from a set of plans

-- M --

make_cores Identify Cores of a District (Heuristic)
match_numbers Renumber districts to match an existing plan
merge_by Merge map units
min_move_parity Calculates Sparse Population Moves to Minimize Population Deviation
muni_splits Counts the Number of Municipalities Split Between Districts

-- N --

number_by Renumber districts to match a quantity of interest

-- P --

partisan_metrics Calculate gerrymandering metrics for a set of plans
pl Access the Current 'redist_plans()' Object
plans_diversity Calculate the diversity of a set of plans
plan_distances Compute Distance between Partitions
plan_parity Calculates Maximum Deviation from Population Parity
plot.redist_classified Plot a plan classification
plot.redist_constr Visualize constraints
plot.redist_map Plot a 'redist_map'
plot.redist_plans Summary plots for '\link{redist_plans}'
prec_assignment Extract the district assignments for a precinct across all simulated plans
prec_cooccurrence Compute a matrix of precinct co-occurrences
print.redist_classified Print redist_classified objects
print.redist_constr Generic to print redist_constr
print.redist_map Generic to print redist_map
print.redist_plans Print method for 'redist_plans'
pullback Pull back plans to unmerged units

-- R --

rbind.redist_plans Combine multiple sets of redistricting plans
redist.adjacency Adjacency List functionality for redist Calculate Frontier Size
redist.coarsen.adjacency Coarsen Adjacency List
redist.combine.mpi Combine successive runs of 'redist.mcmc.mpi'
redist.compactness Calculate compactness measures for a set of plans
redist.competitiveness Compute Competitiveness
redist.constraint.helper Create Constraints for SMC Create County IDs
redist.county.relabel Relabel Discontinuous Counties
redist.crsg Redistricting via Compact Random Seed and Grow Algorithm
redist.diagplot Diagnostic plotting functionality for MCMC redistricting.
redist.dist.pop.overlap Compare the Population Overlap Across Plans at the District Level
redist.distances Compute Distance between Partitions
redist.district.splits Counts the Number of Counties within a District
redist.enumpart Enumerate All Parititions (Fifield et al. 2020) Find Majority Minority Remainder
redist.findparams Run parameter testing for 'redist_flip'
redist.freeze Freeze Parts of a Map Calculate Group Proportion by District
redist.identify.cores Identify Cores of a District (Heuristic)
redist.init.enumpart Initialize enumpart
redist.ipw Inverse probability reweighting for MCMC Redistricting
redist.mcmc.mpi MCMC Redistricting Simulator using MPI
redist.metrics Calculate gerrymandering metrics for a set of plans
redist.multisplits Counts the Number of Counties Split Between 3 or More Districts
redist.muni.splits Counts the Number of Municipalities Split Between Districts
redist.parity Calculates Maximum Deviation from Population Parity
redist.plot.adj Creates a Graph Overlay
redist.plot.cores Plot Cores
redist.plot.distr_qtys Plot quantities by district
redist.plot.hist Plot a histogram of a summary statistic
redist.plot.majmin Majority Minority Plots Plot a Map
redist.plot.penalty (Deprecated) Visualize Group Power Penalty
redist.plot.plans Plot a district assignment
redist.plot.scatter Scatter plot of plan summary statistics
redist.plot.trace Make a traceplot for a summary statistic
redist.plot.varinfo Static Variation of Information Plot
redist.plot.wted.adj Plot Weighted Border Adjacency
redist.prec.pop.overlap Compare the Population Overlap Across Plans at the Precinct Level
redist.prep.enumpart Prepares a run of the enumpart algorithm by ordering edges
redist.random.subgraph Return a random subgraph of a shape Read Results from enumpart
redist.reduce.adjacency Reduce Adjacency List
redist.reorder Reorders district numbers
redist.rsg Redistricting via Random Seed and Grow Algorithm Runs the enumpart algorithm
redist.segcalc Segregation index calculation for MCMC redistricting.
redist.sink.plan Sink Plans to 1:ndists
redist.smc_is_ci (Deprecated) Confidence Intervals for Importance Sampling Estimates
redist.splits Count County Splits
redist.subset Subset a shp
redist.uncoarsen Uncoarsen a District Matrix
redist.wted.adj Create Weighted Adjacency Data
redist_ci Confidence Intervals for SMC and MCMC Estimates
redist_constr Set up constraints for sampling
redist_flip 'Flip' Markov Chain Monte Carlo Redistricting Simulation (Fifield et al. 2020)
redist_flip_anneal Flip MCMC Redistricting Simulator using Simulated Annealing
redist_map Create a 'redist_map' object.
redist_mcmc_ci Confidence Intervals for SMC and MCMC Estimates
redist_mergesplit Merge-Split/Recombination MCMC Redistricting Sampler (Carter et al. 2019)
redist_mergesplit_parallel Parallel Merge-Split/Recombination MCMC Redistricting Sampler
redist_plans A set of redistricting plans
redist_quantile_trunc Helper function to truncate importance weights
redist_shortburst Redistricting Optimization through Short Bursts
redist_smc SMC Redistricting Sampler (McCartan and Imai 2023)
redist_smc_ci Confidence Intervals for SMC and MCMC Estimates

-- S --

scorer-arith Scoring function arithmetic
scorer-combine Combine scoring functions
scorers Scoring functions for 'redist_shortburst'
scorer_frac_kept Scoring functions for 'redist_shortburst'
scorer_group_pct Scoring functions for 'redist_shortburst'
scorer_multisplits Scoring functions for 'redist_shortburst'
scorer_polsby_popper Scoring functions for 'redist_shortburst'
scorer_pop_dev Scoring functions for 'redist_shortburst'
scorer_splits Scoring functions for 'redist_shortburst'
scorer_status_quo Scoring functions for 'redist_shortburst'
segregation_index Segregation index calculation for MCMC redistricting.
set_adj Get and set the adjacency graph from a 'redist_map' object
set_pop_tol Get and set the population tolerance from a 'redist_map' object
subset_ref Subset to sampled or reference draws
subset_sampled Subset to sampled or reference draws
summary.redist_plans Diagnostic information on sampled plans

-- T --

tally_var Tally a variable by district

-- W --

weights.redist_plans Extract the sampling weights from a redistricting simulation.

-- misc --

*.redist_scorer Scoring function arithmetic
+.redist_scorer Scoring function arithmetic
-.redist_scorer Scoring function arithmetic