qcPrec {reddPrec} | R Documentation |
Quality Control of daily precipitation observations
This function apply several threshold-based criteria to filter original observations of daily precipitation.
coords_as_preds = TRUE,
neibs = 10,
thres = NA,
qc = "all",
qc3 = 10,
qc4 = c(0.99, 5),
qc5 = c(0.01, 0.1, 5),
ncpu = 1
prec |
matrix containing the original precipitation data. Each column represents one station. The names of columns have to be names of the stations. |
sts |
data.frame. A column "ID" (unique ID of stations) is required. The rest of the columns (all of them) will act as predictors of the model. |
crs |
character. Coordinates system in EPSG format (e.g.: "EPSG:4326"). |
coords |
vector of two character elements. Names of the fields in "sts" containing longitude and latitude. |
coords_as_preds |
logical. If TRUE (default), "coords" are also taken as predictors. |
neibs |
integer. Number of nearest neighbors to use. |
thres |
numeric. Maximum radius (in km) where neighboring stations will be searched. NA value uses the whole spatial domain. |
qc |
vector of strings with the QC criteria to apply. Default is "all". See details. |
qc3 |
numeric. Indicates the threshold (number of times higher or lower) from which a observation, in comparison with its estimate, should be deleted. Default is 10. |
qc4 |
numeric vector of length 2. Thresholds of wet probability (0 to 1) and magnitude (in the units of input precipitation data) from which a observation of value zero, in comparison with its estimate, should be deleted. Default is c(0.99, 5). |
qc5 |
numeric vector of length 2. Thresholds of dry probability (0 to 1) and magnitude (in the units of input precipitation data) from which a observation higher than a specific value (also in the original units), in comparison with its estimate, should be deleted. Default is c(0.01, 0.1, 5). |
ncpu |
number of processor cores used to parallel computing. |
Parameter "sts" must have an "ID" field containing unique identifiers of the stations.
"qc" can be "all" (all criteria are applied) or a vector of strings (e.g.: c("1","2","4")) indicating the QC criteria to apply to observations: "1" (suspect value): obs==0 & all(neibs>0); "2" (suspect zero): obs>0 & all(neibs==0); "3" (suspect outlier): obs is "qc3" times higher or lower than the estimate; "4" (suspect wet): obs==0 & wet probability > "qc4[1]" & estimate > "qc4[2]"; "5" (suspect dry): obs>"qc5[3]" & dry probability < "qc5[1]" & estimate < "qc5[2]"
## Not run:
prec <- round(matrix(rnorm(30*50, mean = 1.2, sd = 6), 30, 50), 1)
prec[prec<0] <- 0
colnames(prec) <- paste0('sts_',1:50)
sts <- data.frame(ID = paste0('sts_',1:50), lon = rnorm(50,0,1),
lat = rnorm(50,40,1), dcoast = rnorm(50,200,50))
qcdata <- qcPrec(prec, sts, crs = 'EPSG:4326', coords = c('lon','lat'),
coords_as_preds = TRUE, neibs = 10, thres = NA,
qc = 'all', qc3 = 10, qc4 = c(0.99, 5), qc5 = c(0.01, 0.1, 5),
## End(Not run)