A C D E F G I M N O P R S U V W misc
allocationTable | Generate Allocation Tables for the Randomization Module |
allocationTable.redcapApiConnection | Generate Allocation Tables for the Randomization Module |
allocationTable_offline | Generate Allocation Tables for the Randomization Module |
armsMethods | Export, Import, and Delete Arms from a Project |
as.list.redcapCodebook | Assemble Codebook From the Data Dictionary |
assembleCodebook | Assemble Codebook From the Data Dictionary |
assembleCodebook.redcapConnection | Assemble Codebook From the Data Dictionary |
castCheckCode | Helper functions for 'exportRecordsTyped' Validation and Casting |
castCheckCodeCharacter | Helper functions for 'exportRecordsTyped' Validation and Casting |
castChecked | Helper functions for 'exportRecordsTyped' Validation and Casting |
castCheckedCharacter | Helper functions for 'exportRecordsTyped' Validation and Casting |
castCheckForImport | Helper functions for 'exportRecordsTyped' Validation and Casting |
castCheckLabel | Helper functions for 'exportRecordsTyped' Validation and Casting |
castCheckLabelCharacter | Helper functions for 'exportRecordsTyped' Validation and Casting |
castCode | Helper functions for 'exportRecordsTyped' Validation and Casting |
castCodeCharacter | Helper functions for 'exportRecordsTyped' Validation and Casting |
castDpCharacter | Helper functions for 'exportRecordsTyped' Validation and Casting |
castDpNumeric | Helper functions for 'exportRecordsTyped' Validation and Casting |
castForImport | Functions for Casting Fields After Export (Post Processing) |
castLabel | Helper functions for 'exportRecordsTyped' Validation and Casting |
castLabelCharacter | Helper functions for 'exportRecordsTyped' Validation and Casting |
castLogical | Helper functions for 'exportRecordsTyped' Validation and Casting |
castRaw | Helper functions for 'exportRecordsTyped' Validation and Casting |
castTimeHHMM | Helper functions for 'exportRecordsTyped' Validation and Casting |
castTimeMMSS | Helper functions for 'exportRecordsTyped' Validation and Casting |
changedRecords | returns a list of record IDs changed (adds, updates, deletes) |
checkbox_suffixes | Checkbox Suffixes |
constructLinkToRedcapForm | Construct a Link to a REDCap Form |
constructLinkToRedcapForm.redcapApiConnection | Construct a Link to a REDCap Form |
constructLinkToRedcapForm.redcapOfflineConnection | Construct a Link to a REDCap Form |
createFileRepositoryFolder | Create a Folder in the File Repository |
createFileRepositoryFolder.redcapApiConnection | Create a Folder in the File Repository |
createRedcapProject | Create REDCap Project |
createRedcapProject.redcapApiConnection | Create REDCap Project |
dagAssignmentMethods | Export and Import Users Assigned to Data Access Groups |
dagMethods | Export, Import, Delete Data Access Groups from a Project |
default_cast_character | Helper functions for 'exportRecordsTyped' Validation and Casting |
default_cast_no_factor | Helper functions for 'exportRecordsTyped' Validation and Casting |
deleteArms | Export, Import, and Delete Arms from a Project |
deleteArms.redcapApiConnection | Export, Import, and Delete Arms from a Project |
deleteDags | Export, Import, Delete Data Access Groups from a Project |
deleteDags.redcapApiConnection | Export, Import, Delete Data Access Groups from a Project |
deleteEvents | Export, Import, and Delete Event Settings |
deleteEvents.redcapApiConnection | Export, Import, and Delete Event Settings |
deleteFileRepository | Export, Import, or Delete Multiple Files from the File Repository |
deleteFileRepository.redcapApiConnection | Export, Import, or Delete Multiple Files from the File Repository |
deleteFiles | Export, Import, or Delete Files to a Field in a REDCap Project |
deleteFiles.redcapApiConnection | Export, Import, or Delete Files to a Field in a REDCap Project |
deleteFromFileRepository | Export, Import, and Delete Individual Files from the File Repository |
deleteFromFileRepository.redcapApiConnection | Export, Import, and Delete Individual Files from the File Repository |
deleteRecords | Delete Records from a Project |
deleteRecords.redcapApiConnection | Delete Records from a Project |
deleteUserRoles | Export, Import, or Delete User Roles in a Project |
deleteUserRoles.redcapApiConnection | Export, Import, or Delete User Roles in a Project |
deleteUsers | Export, Import, or Delete Users and User Permissisons |
deleteUsers.redcapApiConnection | Export, Import, or Delete Users and User Permissisons |
deprecated_redcapProjectInfo | Deprecated Functions |
dropRepeatingNA | Drop Row Where Repeat Instrument Is NA |
eventsMethods | Export, Import, and Delete Event Settings |
exportArms | Export, Import, and Delete Arms from a Project |
exportArms.redcapApiConnection | Export, Import, and Delete Arms from a Project |
exportBulkRecords | A helper function to export multiple records and forms using a single call. |
exportBundle | Perform a bundle of API calls. |
exportBundle.redcapApiConnection | Perform a bundle of API calls. |
exportDags | Export, Import, Delete Data Access Groups from a Project |
exportDags.redcapApiConnection | Export, Import, Delete Data Access Groups from a Project |
exportDataQuality | A helper function to export data queries from the Data Quality REDCap module. |
exportEvents | Export, Import, and Delete Event Settings |
exportEvents.redcapApiConnection | Export, Import, and Delete Event Settings |
exportExternalCoding | Export Codebook Mappings for Fields with External Dependencies |
exportExternalCoding.redcapApiConnection | Export Codebook Mappings for Fields with External Dependencies |
exportFieldNames | Export the Complete Field Names for a REDCap Project |
exportFieldNames.redcapApiConnection | Export the Complete Field Names for a REDCap Project |
exportFieldNamesArgs | Export the Complete Field Names for a REDCap Project |
exportFileRepository | Export, Import, or Delete Multiple Files from the File Repository |
exportFileRepository.redcapApiConnection | Export, Import, or Delete Multiple Files from the File Repository |
exportFileRepositoryListing | Export a Listing of Folders and Files in the File Repository |
exportFileRepositoryListing.redcapApiConnection | Export a Listing of Folders and Files in the File Repository |
exportFiles | Export, Import, or Delete Files to a Field in a REDCap Project |
exportFiles.redcapApiConnection | Export, Import, or Delete Files to a Field in a REDCap Project |
exportFilesMultiple | Export Multiple Files From a Project |
exportFilesMultiple.redcapApiConnection | Export Multiple Files From a Project |
exportFromFileRepository | Export, Import, and Delete Individual Files from the File Repository |
exportFromFileRepository.redcapApiConnection | Export, Import, and Delete Individual Files from the File Repository |
exportInstruments | Export Instruments Defined in a Project |
exportInstruments.redcapApiConnection | Export Instruments Defined in a Project |
exportLogging | Export Logging Records |
exportLogging.redcapApiConnection | Export Logging Records |
exportMappings | Export and Import Instrument-Event Mappings |
exportMappings.redcapApiConnection | Export and Import Instrument-Event Mappings |
exportMetaData | Export and Import the Project Meta Data (Data Dictionary) |
exportMetaData.redcapApiConnection | Export and Import the Project Meta Data (Data Dictionary) |
exportNextRecordName | Export Next Record Name or Rename a Record |
exportNextRecordName.redcapApiConnection | Export Next Record Name or Rename a Record |
exportPdf | Export PDF file of Data Collection Instruments |
exportPdf.redcapApiConnection | Export PDF file of Data Collection Instruments |
exportProjectInformation | Export and Import Project Settings |
exportProjectInformation.redcapApiConnection | Export and Import Project Settings |
exportProjectXml | Export Entire Project as REDCap XML File |
exportProjectXml.redcapApiConnection | Export Entire Project as REDCap XML File |
exportRecords | Export Records and Reports |
exportRecords.redcapApiConnection | Export Records and Reports |
exportRecordsTyped | Export Records or Reports From a Project |
exportRecordsTyped.redcapApiConnection | Export Records or Reports From a Project |
exportRecordsTyped.redcapOfflineConnection | Export Records or Reports From a Project |
exportRecords_offline | Export Records and Reports |
exportRepeatingInstrumentsEvents | Export or Import Repeating Instrument and Events Settings |
exportRepeatingInstrumentsEvents.redcapApiConnection | Export or Import Repeating Instrument and Events Settings |
exportReports | Export Records and Reports |
exportReports.redcapApiConnection | Export Records and Reports |
exportReportsTyped | Export Records or Reports From a Project |
exportReportsTyped.redcapApiConnection | Export Records or Reports From a Project |
exportSurveyLink | Export Survey Participant Information |
exportSurveyLink.redcapApiConnection | Export Survey Participant Information |
exportSurveyParticipants | Export Survey Participant Information |
exportSurveyParticipants.redcapApiConnection | Export Survey Participant Information |
exportSurveyQueueLink | Export Survey Participant Information |
exportSurveyQueueLink.redcapApiConnection | Export Survey Participant Information |
exportSurveyReturnCode | Export Survey Participant Information |
exportSurveyReturnCode.redcapApiConnection | Export Survey Participant Information |
exportUserDagAssignments | Export and Import Users Assigned to Data Access Groups |
exportUserDagAssignments.redcapApiConnection | Export and Import Users Assigned to Data Access Groups |
exportUserRoleAssignments | Export or Import User-Role Assignments |
exportUserRoleAssignments.redcapApiConnection | Export or Import User-Role Assignments |
exportUserRoles | Export, Import, or Delete User Roles in a Project |
exportUserRoles.redcapApiConnection | Export, Import, or Delete User Roles in a Project |
exportUsers | Export, Import, or Delete Users and User Permissisons |
exportUsers.redcapApiConnection | Export, Import, or Delete Users and User Permissisons |
exportVersion | Export the REDCap Version Number |
exportVersion.redcapApiConnection | Export the REDCap Version Number |
Extraction | Extraction and Assignment for 'redcapFactor's |
fieldCastingFunctions | Functions for Casting Fields After Export (Post Processing) |
fieldChoiceMapping | Split a Field Choice Mapping Into a Two Column Matrix |
fieldChoiceMapping.character | Split a Field Choice Mapping Into a Two Column Matrix |
fieldChoiceMapping.redcapApiConnection | Split a Field Choice Mapping Into a Two Column Matrix |
fieldToVar | Convert a REDCap Data Field to an R Vector |
fieldValidationAndCasting | Helper functions for 'exportRecordsTyped' Validation and Casting |
fileMethods | Export, Import, or Delete Files to a Field in a REDCap Project |
fileRepositoryMethods | Export, Import, or Delete Multiple Files from the File Repository |
fileRepositoryPath | Reconstruct the file repository path |
filterEmptyRow | Remove Rows Containing Only Missing Values |
format.invalid | Helper functions for formatting validation failure report |
fromFileRepositoryMethods | Export, Import, and Delete Individual Files from the File Repository |
getProjectIdFields | Return a vector of the Project ID Fields |
guessCast | Functions for Casting Fields After Export (Post Processing) |
guessDate | Functions for Casting Fields After Export (Post Processing) |
importArms | Export, Import, and Delete Arms from a Project |
importArms.redcapApiConnection | Export, Import, and Delete Arms from a Project |
importDags | Export, Import, Delete Data Access Groups from a Project |
importDags.redcapApiConnection | Export, Import, Delete Data Access Groups from a Project |
importEvents | Export, Import, and Delete Event Settings |
importEvents.redcapApiConnection | Export, Import, and Delete Event Settings |
importFileRepository | Export, Import, or Delete Multiple Files from the File Repository |
importFileRepository.redcapApiConnection | Export, Import, or Delete Multiple Files from the File Repository |
importFiles | Export, Import, or Delete Files to a Field in a REDCap Project |
importFiles.redcapApiConnection | Export, Import, or Delete Files to a Field in a REDCap Project |
importFileToRecord | Import a File With Option to Create A Record to Receive the File |
importMappings | Export and Import Instrument-Event Mappings |
importMappings.redcapApiConnection | Export and Import Instrument-Event Mappings |
importMetaData | Export and Import the Project Meta Data (Data Dictionary) |
importMetaData.redcapApiConnection | Export and Import the Project Meta Data (Data Dictionary) |
importProjectInformation | Export and Import Project Settings |
importProjectInformation.redcapApiConnection | Export and Import Project Settings |
importRecords | Import Records to a Project |
importRecords.redcapApiConnection | Import Records to a Project |
importRepeatingInstrumentsEvents | Export or Import Repeating Instrument and Events Settings |
importRepeatingInstrumentsEvents.redcapApiConnection | Export or Import Repeating Instrument and Events Settings |
importToFileRepository | Export, Import, and Delete Individual Files from the File Repository |
importToFileRepository.redcapApiConnection | Export, Import, and Delete Individual Files from the File Repository |
importUserDagAssignments | Export and Import Users Assigned to Data Access Groups |
importUserDagAssignments.redcapApiConnection | Export and Import Users Assigned to Data Access Groups |
importUserRoleAssignments | Export or Import User-Role Assignments |
importUserRoleAssignments.redcapApiConnection | Export or Import User-Role Assignments |
importUserRoles | Export, Import, or Delete User Roles in a Project |
importUserRoles.redcapApiConnection | Export, Import, or Delete User Roles in a Project |
importUsers | Export, Import, or Delete Users and User Permissisons |
importUsers.redcapApiConnection | Export, Import, or Delete Users and User Permissisons |
invalidSummary | Helper functions for formatting validation failure report |
isNAorBlank | Helper functions for 'exportRecordsTyped' Validation and Casting |
isZeroCodedCheckField | Identify Check Fields with a Zero Coded Option |
makeApiCall | Make REDCap API Calls |
mappingMethods | Export and Import Instrument-Event Mappings |
massert | Conduct Multiple Assertions |
mChoiceCast | Functions for Casting Fields After Export (Post Processing) |
metaDataMethods | Export and Import the Project Meta Data (Data Dictionary) |
metaDataMethodsArgs | Export and Import the Project Meta Data (Data Dictionary) |
missingSummary | Report of Missing Values |
missingSummary.redcapApiConnection | Report of Missing Values |
missingSummary_offline | Report of Missing Values |
na_values | Helper functions for 'exportRecordsTyped' Validation and Casting |
offlineConnection | Connect to a REDCap Database |
parseBranchingLogic | Parse Branching Logic |
prepUserImportData | Prepare User Data for Import |
preserveProject | Preserve Project Data Locally |
preserveProject.redcapApiConnection | Preserve Project Data Locally |
print.invalid | Helper functions for formatting validation failure report |
print.redcapApiConnection | Connect to a REDCap Database |
print.redcapFactor | Extraction and Assignment for 'redcapFactor's |
print.redcapOfflineConnection | Connect to a REDCap Database |
projectInformationMethods | Export and Import Project Settings |
purgeProject | Purge and Restore Project Data |
purgeProject.redcapApiConnection | Purge and Restore Project Data |
purgeRestoreProject | Purge and Restore Project Data |
raw_cast | Helper functions for 'exportRecordsTyped' Validation and Casting |
readPreservedProject | Preserve Project Data Locally |
readPreservedProject.character | Preserve Project Data Locally |
readPreservedProject.list | Preserve Project Data Locally |
recastRecords | Functions for Casting Fields After Export (Post Processing) |
recodeCheck | Change labeling of 'checkbox' variables |
reconstituteFileFromExport | Save a File to a Local Directory from a Response |
recordsManagementMethods | Export Next Record Name or Rename a Record |
recordsMethods | Export Records and Reports |
recordsTypedMethods | Export Records or Reports From a Project |
redcapConnection | Connect to a REDCap Database |
redcapDataStructures | REDCap Data Structures |
redcapError | Handle Errors from the REDCap API |
redcapFactorFlip | Convert REDCap factors between labeled and coded |
redcapProjectInfo | Deprecated Functions |
redcapProjectInfo.redcapApiConnection | Deprecated Functions |
renameRecord | Export Next Record Name or Rename a Record |
renameRecord.redcapApiConnection | Export Next Record Name or Rename a Record |
repeatingInstrumentEventMethods | Export or Import Repeating Instrument and Events Settings |
repeatingInstrumentMethods | Export or Import Repeating Instrument and Events Settings |
restoreProject | Purge and Restore Project Data |
restoreProject.list | Purge and Restore Project Data |
restoreProject.redcapApiConnection | Purge and Restore Project Data |
reviewInvalidRecords | Review Invalid Records Following Field Validation |
skip_validation | Helper functions for 'exportRecordsTyped' Validation and Casting |
splitForms | Split a Data Frame into its Forms |
stringCleanup | Remove Undesired Characters From Strings |
stripHTMLandUnicode | Helper Functions for 'exportRecordsType' Attributes |
stripHTMLTags | Remove Undesired Characters From Strings |
stripUnicode | Remove Undesired Characters From Strings |
summary.invalid | Helper functions for formatting validation failure report |
surveyMethods | Export Survey Participant Information |
switchDag | Switch Data Access Group Assignment for the Current User |
switchDag.redcapApiConnection | Switch Data Access Group Assignment for the Current User |
switchDagArgs | Switch Data Access Group Assignment for the Current User |
syncUnderscoreCodings | Synchronize coding of checkbox variables between meta data and records field names. |
unitsFieldAnnotation | Helper Functions for 'exportRecordsType' Attributes |
unlockREDCap | Open REDCap connections using cryptolocker for storage of API_KEYs. |
userMethods | Export, Import, or Delete Users and User Permissisons |
userRoleAssignmentMethods | Export or Import User-Role Assignments |
userRoleMethods | Export, Import, or Delete User Roles in a Project |
valChoice | Helper functions for 'exportRecordsTyped' Validation and Casting |
validateImport | Validate Data Frames for Import |
validateRedcapData | REDCap Data Structures |
valPhone | Helper functions for 'exportRecordsTyped' Validation and Casting |
valRx | Helper functions for 'exportRecordsTyped' Validation and Casting |
valSkip | Helper functions for 'exportRecordsTyped' Validation and Casting |
vectorToApiBodyList | Convert R Vector To List for the API Call Body |
warnOfZeroCodedCheckCasting | Identify Check Fields with a Zero Coded Option |
warnZeroCodedFieldPresent | Identify Check Fields with a Zero Coded Option |
widerRepeated | Transform Data Into Wide Format |
writeDataForImport | Prepare a Data Frame for Import Through the API |
[.redcapFactor | Extraction and Assignment for 'redcapFactor's |