get_redbook_data {redbookperu}R Documentation

Get Red Book Data for Given Species List


This function retrieves comprehensive information from the Red Book of Endemic Plants of Peru database for a provided list of species. It associates the provided species names with their corresponding updated taxonomic information and descriptions recorded in the original publication.


get_redbook_data(splist, dist = 0.1)



A character vector containing the species names to be queried.


Maximum allowed distance for fuzzy matching of species names.


This function checks each species name in the provided list against the Red Book of Endemic Plants of Peru database using fuzzy matching based on the specified maximum distance (dist). For each species, it retrieves and combines taxonomic information (accepted name, accepted family, accepted name author) with additional descriptive data recorded in the original publication, such as IUCN conservation category, bibliographic reference, collector, herbariums, common name, departmental registrations, ecological regions, protected natural areas (SINANPE), Peruvian herbaria, and additional remarks.


A data frame containing comprehensive information about the provided species, including updated taxonomic details and descriptions.


Red Book of Endemic Plants of Peru The World Checklist of Vascular Plants, a continuously updated resource for exploring global plant diversity. Taxonomic Name Resolution Service - TNRS Plants of the World Online - Facilitated by the Royal Botanic Gardens - Kew.

See Also

check_redbooklist function for a more focused check of species endemic status.


# Example illustrating how to use the get_redbook_data function
species_list <- c("Aphelandra cuscoensis", "Sanchezia ovata", "Piper stevensii")
redbook_data <- get_redbook_data(species_list)

[Package redbookperu version 0.0.3 Index]