IUCN Redlisting Tools

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Documentation for package ‘red’ version 1.6.1

Help Pages

aoo Area of Occupancy (AOO).
countries Countries of occurrence.
elevation Elevation limits.
eoo Extent of Occurrence (EOO).
kml Output kml files.
map.draw Map creation.
map.easy Species distributions made easy (multiple species).
map.habitat Map species distribution of habitat specialist.
map.points Map recorded distribution of species.
map.sdm Predict species distributions.
move Move records to closest non-NA cell.
outliers Visual detection of outliers.
raster.clean Uniformize raster layers.
raster.distance Create distance layer.
raster.east Create eastness layer.
raster.lat Create latitude layer.
raster.long Create longitude layer.
raster.north Create northness layer.
raster.read Read and buffer raster layers.
raster.reduce Reduce dimensionality of raster layers.
records Download taxon records from GBIF.
red.examples Example data packaged with *red*
red.getDir Read GIS directory.
red.setDir Setup GIS directory.
red.setup Download and setup GIS files.
rli Red List Index.
rli.map Mapping the Red List Index.
rli.multi Red List Index for multiple groups.
rli.predict Prediction of Red List Index.
rli.sampled Sampled Red List Index.
thin Spatial thinning of occurrence records.