aoo |
Area of Occupancy (AOO). |
countries |
Countries of occurrence. |
elevation |
Elevation limits. |
eoo |
Extent of Occurrence (EOO). |
kml |
Output kml files. |
map.draw |
Map creation. |
map.easy |
Species distributions made easy (multiple species). |
map.habitat |
Map species distribution of habitat specialist. |
map.points |
Map recorded distribution of species. |
map.sdm |
Predict species distributions. |
move |
Move records to closest non-NA cell. |
outliers |
Visual detection of outliers. |
raster.clean |
Uniformize raster layers. |
raster.distance |
Create distance layer. |
raster.east |
Create eastness layer. | |
Create latitude layer. |
raster.long |
Create longitude layer. |
raster.north |
Create northness layer. | |
Read and buffer raster layers. |
raster.reduce |
Reduce dimensionality of raster layers. |
records |
Download taxon records from GBIF. |
red.examples |
Example data packaged with *red* |
red.getDir |
Read GIS directory. |
red.setDir |
Setup GIS directory. |
red.setup |
Download and setup GIS files. |
rli |
Red List Index. | |
Mapping the Red List Index. |
rli.multi |
Red List Index for multiple groups. |
rli.predict |
Prediction of Red List Index. |
rli.sampled |
Sampled Red List Index. |
thin |
Spatial thinning of occurrence records. |