absorbLayer |
Absorb a layer into its surrounding color patches |
add_image |
Add a raster image to a plot |
adjust_color |
Adjust the saturation and brightness of a color |
apply_imager_operation |
Apply imager operations to layers of an image |
array_to_cimg |
Converts from a raster array to a cimg object |
array_to_RasterStack |
Convert from an array to a raster stack |
assignPixels |
Assign a 2D matrix of pixels to specified colors |
backgroundCondition |
Generate a background condition for masking |
backgroundIndex |
Index and remove background pixels for color clustering |
blurImage |
Blur an image |
brick_to_array |
Convert from a RasterBrick to an array |
cielab_coldist |
Generate a 'coldist' object for CIE Lab colors |
cimg_to_array |
Converts from cimg to raster array |
classify_recolorize |
Convert a 'recolorize' object to a 'classify' object |
clean_merge_params |
Clean up parameters passed to mergeLayers |
col2col |
Modified convertColor |
colorClusters |
Generate color clusters from an image |
colorClustersHist |
Cluster pixel colors using histogram binning |
colorClustersKMeans |
Cluster pixel colors using K-means clustering |
colorResiduals |
Calculate squared residuals for color centers |
constructImage |
Generate an image from pixel assignments and color matrix |
editLayer |
Edit a color patch using morphological operations |
editLayers |
Edit multiple color patches using morphological operations |
expand_recolorize |
Expand aspects of a recolorize object for other functions |
hclust_color |
Plot and group colors by similarity |
imDist |
Calculates the distance between non-transparent pixels in images |
imHeatmap |
Plot a heatmap of a matrix of color distances |
imposeColors |
Recolor an image to a provided set of colors |
labelCol |
Change colors of dendrogram tips |
mergeLayers |
Merge layers in a recolorized image |
pixelAssignMatrix |
Make pixel assignment matrix for recoloring |
plot.recolorize |
Plot recolorized image results |
plot.recolorizeVector |
Plot a 'recolorizeVector' object |
plotColorClusters |
Plot color clusters in a color space |
plotColorPalette |
Plot a color palette |
plotImageArray |
Plot a 3D array as an RGB image |
raster_to_array |
Convert from a (small-r) raster object to an RGB array |
readImage |
Read in an image as a 3D array |
recluster |
Recluster color centers based on color similarity |
recoloredImage |
Get recolored image from a recolorize object |
recolorize |
Simplify the colors of an image |
recolorize2 |
Recolorize with automatic thresholding |
recolorizeVector |
Convert a recolorize object to a vector |
recolorize_adjacency |
Run 'pavo"s adjacency and boundary strength analysis on a 'recolorize' object |
recolorize_to_patternize |
Convert a recolorize object to a raster object |
recolorize_to_png |
Save a recolored image as a PNG |
rerun_recolorize |
Rerun the sequence of calls used to produce a recolorize object |
rgb2hsl |
Convert RGB colors to HSL |
splitByColor |
Split color clusters in a recolorize object into layers |
thresholdRecolor |
Drop minor colors from a recolorize object |
werner |
Werner's nomenclature of colors |
wernerColor |
Remap an image to Werner's nomenclature |