create_stan_function | Create a Stan's ODE function from an XMILE file |
expit | Expit transformation |
extract_timeseries_stock | Extract the values over time of a stock from a Stan fit |
extract_timeseries_var | Extract the values over time of a variable from a Stan fit |
inv | Inverse of a number |
logit | Logit transformation |
Maryland | Influenza in Maryland during the 1918 pandemic |
read_xmile | Read an XMILE file into R |
sd_Bayes | Create Stan file for Bayesian inference |
sd_constants | Summarise the information of a model's constants in a data frame |
sd_data_generator_fun | Function factory for SBC |
sd_fixed_delay | Fixed delay |
sd_impact_inputs | Construct inputs for performing structural analysis via the impact method |
sd_interpret_estimates | Interpret estimates |
sd_loglik_fun | Generate a log-likelihood function for an SD model |
sd_measurements | Generate measurements |
sd_net_change | Estimate the net change of a stock in discrete times |
sd_posterior_fun | Posterior function |
sd_prior | SD prior |
sd_prior_checks | Prior predictive checks |
sd_pulse_s | Replicate the behaviour of the PULSE function from Stella |
sd_pulse_train | PULSE TRAIN |
sd_pulse_v | Replicate the behaviour of the PULSE function from Vensim |
sd_sensitivity_run | Perform a sensitivity run on a System Dynamics model |
sd_simulate | Simulate a System Dynamics model |
sd_stocks | Summarise the information of a model's stocks in a data frame |
sd_what_if_from_time | What if from time t we change the value of some parameters |
stan_ode_function | Create Stan ODE function |
xmile_to_deSolve | Parse XMILE to deSolve components |