readmet {readmet}R Documentation

Read some less Popular Formats Used in Meteorology


Contains tools for reading and writing data from or to files in dmna, Scintec Format-1, Campbell Scientific TOA5 formats.


Package: readmet
Type: Package
Version: 1.6.9
Date: 2023-02-11
License: GPL-3

Currently supported:

DMNA Self describing gridded ASCII by Ing.Buero Janicke/Umweltbundesamt
format descrition in e.g. AUSTAL dispersion model description (available only in German)
Scintec Format-1 Format used to store atmospheric data from wind profilers, SODAR, RASS and Scintillometer devices by Scintec AG, Rottenburg, Germany
format descrition in the device manuals, available to customers upon registration from
TOA5 Table oriented ACSII format #5 by Campbell Scientific
format descrition in the device manuals, e.g. CR3000 data logger

Available functions:

Function Format
read.akterm function to read contents of a file in AKTERM-format
read.dmna function to read contents of a file in DMNA-format
dmna.axes read grid positions from a file in DMNA-format
dmna.header read header information from a file in DMNA-format
dmna.grid read (horizontal) grid definition from a file in DMNA-format
write.dmna function to write data to a file in DMNA-format
write.arcgrid function to write data (read from DMNA file) into an ESRI ArcInfo gridded ASCII file
read.toa5 function to read contents of a file in TOA5-format
read.scintec1 function to read the contents of a file in Scintec Format-1
scintec1.comments read the comment fields of a file in Scintec Format-1 format
scintec1.header read the header of a file in Scintec Format-1 format
scintec1.nonprofiles read the single-level data from a file in Scintec Format-1 format
scintec1.profile read the multi-level (profile) variables from a Scintec Format-1 file
scintec1.variables read the variable descriptions from a file in Scintec Format-1 format


Clemens Druee, Umweltmeteorologie, Universitaet Trier, Germany <>

[Package readmet version 1.7.1 Index]