readMLData-package |
Reading data from different sources in their original format. |
analyzeData |
Determine the type of values in each column of a data frame. |
checkConsistency |
Checks consistency of the data frame 'dsList'. |
checkType |
Compares the type of columns stored in 'dsList' and in a data set itself. |
dsDownload |
Run an external tool to download a data set. |
dsRead |
Loading machine learning data from a directory tree using a unified interface. |
dsSearch |
Search a dataset by string matching against the names stored in 'dsList'. |
dsSort |
Sort the rows of a data frame. |
getAvailable |
Checks consistency of the data frame 'dsList'. |
getFields |
Prints the information on the fields in the data frame 'dsList' describing the data sets. |
getPath |
Determine the path to package example directories. |
getType |
Determines the type vector for an input data set. |
prepareDSList |
Prepares a data frame 'dsList', which describes the data contained in a local data description directory. |
readDSListFromXML |
Handling XML files. |
readMLData |
Reading data from different sources in their original format. |
saveDSListAsXML |
Handling XML files. |