Reading Machine Learning Benchmark Data Sets in Different Formats

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Documentation for package ‘readMLData’ version 0.9-7

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readMLData-package Reading data from different sources in their original format.
analyzeData Determine the type of values in each column of a data frame.
checkConsistency Checks consistency of the data frame 'dsList'.
checkType Compares the type of columns stored in 'dsList' and in a data set itself.
dsDownload Run an external tool to download a data set.
dsRead Loading machine learning data from a directory tree using a unified interface.
dsSearch Search a dataset by string matching against the names stored in 'dsList'.
dsSort Sort the rows of a data frame.
getAvailable Checks consistency of the data frame 'dsList'.
getFields Prints the information on the fields in the data frame 'dsList' describing the data sets.
getPath Determine the path to package example directories.
getType Determines the type vector for an input data set.
prepareDSList Prepares a data frame 'dsList', which describes the data contained in a local data description directory.
readDSListFromXML Handling XML files.
readMLData Reading data from different sources in their original format.
saveDSListAsXML Handling XML files.