An Implementation of IDW-PLUS

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Documentation for package ‘rdwplus’ version 1.0.0

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burn_in Burn in streams to a digital elevation model
check_running Check whether a valid GRASS session is running
clear_mask Clear current raster mask
compute_iFLO_weights Compute iFLO weights
compute_iFLS_weights Compute iFLS weights
compute_metrics Compute spatially explicit watershed attributes for survey sites on streams
compute_metrics_precomputed Compute spatially explicit watershed attributes for survey sites on streams
convert_to_integer Convert a raster to integer format
coord_to_raster Turn coordinates of outlets into rasters
derive_flow Obtain flow direction and accumulation over a digital elevation model (DEM)
derive_streams Extract streams from a flow accumulation raster
fill_sinks Fill sinks in a digital elevation model (DEM)
get_distance Compute Euclidean distance to a survey site or stream line within a watershed
get_flow_length Derive a flow length to streams and outlets
get_watersheds Delineate watersheds for survey sites
install_extensions Install required extension(s)
plot_GRASS A function to plot a raster from the current GRASS mapset
point_to_raster Convert outlet of a watershed from shapefile format into raster format
rasterise_stream Turn a shapefile of stream edges into a raster
raster_to_mapset Import rasters into GRASS mapset
rast_calc Raster calculator (wrapper for "r.mapcalc")
reclassify_streams Reclassify streams into various formats
report_mapset Identify current mapset or list all possible mapsets
retrieve_raster Write a raster layer from the current GRASS mapset to file
retrieve_vector Write a vector layer from the current GRASS mapset to file
search_for_grass Find GRASS installations
set_envir Set projection and computation region from a raster file.
set_mask Set a raster mask
silence Function to suppress messages, warnings, errors from GRASS commands
snap_sites A function to snap survey sites to a stream raster and a flow accumulation raster
toggle_silence Toggle between silence on and silence off
vector_to_mapset Import rasters into GRASS mapset
vibe_check A function to summarise the computation region, vectors and rasters in the mapset.