rdwd-package | Handle Climate Data from DWD (German Weather Service) |
addBorders | add country and Bundesland borders to a map |
app | Launch interactive weather analysis app |
checkIndex | check indexes |
checkSuggestedPackage | check suggested package for availability |
createIndex | Create file and meta index of the DWD CDC FTP Server |
dataDWD | Download data from the DWD CDC FTP Server |
dirDWD | directory management for rdwd |
dwdbase | DWD FTP Server base URL |
dwdparams | DWD parameter explanations |
fileIndex | Indexes of files and metadata on the DWD CDC FTP server |
fileType | determine DWD file type |
findID | find DWD weather station ID from name |
formatIndex | Indexes of files and metadata on the DWD CDC FTP server |
geoIndex | Indexes of files and metadata on the DWD CDC FTP server |
gridbase | DWD FTP Server base URL |
gridIndex | Indexes of files and metadata on the DWD CDC FTP server |
index | Indexes of files and metadata on the DWD CDC FTP server |
indexFTP | Create a recursive index of an FTP Server |
lldist | distance between lat-long coordinates |
locdir | local data directory |
maxlldist | distance between lat-long coordinates |
metaIndex | Indexes of files and metadata on the DWD CDC FTP server |
metaInfo | Information for a station ID on the DWD CDC FTP server |
nearbyStations | Find DWD stations close to given coordinates |
newColumnNames | Enhance readDWD column names |
plotDWD | Quickly plot time series |
plotRadar | plot radar products on a pretty map |
projectRasterDWD | project DWD raster data |
rdwd | Handle Climate Data from DWD (German Weather Service) |
rdwdquiet | global quiet option for rdwd |
readDWD | Process data from the DWD CDC FTP Server |
readDWD.asc | read dwd gridded radolan asc data |
readDWD.binary | read dwd gridded radolan binary data |
readDWD.data | read regular dwd data |
readDWD.deriv | read derived dwd data |
readDWD.grib2 | read nwp forecast data |
readDWD.meta | read dwd metadata (Beschreibung*.txt files) |
readDWD.multia | read multi_annual dwd data |
readDWD.nc | read dwd netcdf data |
readDWD.pdf | open pdf data |
readDWD.radar | read dwd gridded radolan radar data |
readDWD.raster | read dwd gridded raster data |
readDWD.rklim | read dwd gridded radklim binary data |
readDWD.stand | read subdaily/standard_format dwd data |
readMeta | Process data from the DWD CDC FTP Server |
readVars | Process data from the DWD CDC FTP Server |
rowDisplay | Create leaflet map popup from data.frame rows |
runLocalTests | run local tests of rdwd |
selectDWD | Select data from the DWD CDC FTP Server |
updateRdwd | Update rdwd development version |
validFileTypes | valid fileType values |