Select and Download Climate Data from 'DWD' (German Weather Service)

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Documentation for package ‘rdwd’ version 1.8.0

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rdwd-package Handle Climate Data from DWD (German Weather Service)
addBorders add country and Bundesland borders to a map
app Launch interactive weather analysis app
checkIndex check indexes
checkSuggestedPackage check suggested package for availability
createIndex Create file and meta index of the DWD CDC FTP Server
dataDWD Download data from the DWD CDC FTP Server
dirDWD directory management for rdwd
dwdbase DWD FTP Server base URL
dwdparams DWD parameter explanations
fileIndex Indexes of files and metadata on the DWD CDC FTP server
fileType determine DWD file type
findID find DWD weather station ID from name
formatIndex Indexes of files and metadata on the DWD CDC FTP server
geoIndex Indexes of files and metadata on the DWD CDC FTP server
gridbase DWD FTP Server base URL
gridIndex Indexes of files and metadata on the DWD CDC FTP server
index Indexes of files and metadata on the DWD CDC FTP server
indexFTP Create a recursive index of an FTP Server
lldist distance between lat-long coordinates
locdir local data directory
maxlldist distance between lat-long coordinates
metaIndex Indexes of files and metadata on the DWD CDC FTP server
metaInfo Information for a station ID on the DWD CDC FTP server
nearbyStations Find DWD stations close to given coordinates
newColumnNames Enhance readDWD column names
plotDWD Quickly plot time series
plotRadar plot radar products on a pretty map
projectRasterDWD project DWD raster data
rdwd Handle Climate Data from DWD (German Weather Service)
rdwdquiet global quiet option for rdwd
readDWD Process data from the DWD CDC FTP Server
readDWD.asc read dwd gridded radolan asc data
readDWD.binary read dwd gridded radolan binary data read regular dwd data
readDWD.deriv read derived dwd data
readDWD.grib2 read nwp forecast data
readDWD.meta read dwd metadata (Beschreibung*.txt files)
readDWD.multia read multi_annual dwd data read dwd netcdf data
readDWD.pdf open pdf data
readDWD.radar read dwd gridded radolan radar data
readDWD.raster read dwd gridded raster data
readDWD.rklim read dwd gridded radklim binary data
readDWD.stand read subdaily/standard_format dwd data
readMeta Process data from the DWD CDC FTP Server
readVars Process data from the DWD CDC FTP Server
rowDisplay Create leaflet map popup from data.frame rows
runLocalTests run local tests of rdwd
selectDWD Select data from the DWD CDC FTP Server
updateRdwd Update rdwd development version
validFileTypes valid fileType values